Generate One-Off Docs or in Bulk With DocParser
Generating one-off documents or en masse for a bulk send has just gotten a whole lot easier with DocParser. Works great for any type of hosting environment.
Integrate Multiple Zendesk Instances With SugarCRM
It is not uncommon for a company to use multiple Zendesk instances. A company may choose to have multiple Zendesk instances to support multiple business groups within the company or because of mergers and acquisitions. However, most of the time the company will still have a single CRM instance where all of their customer data lives. The challenge is then how to link all of those Zendesk apps with a single CRM.
Map Your Clients or Prospects
Synolia's latest solution allows you to see mapped addresses on the record and list views as well as in drill down reports. Works great in both On Demand and self hosted environments.
Give SugarCRM a Whole New Look With RT Personalize
The experts at Rolustech just released an add-on that lets you tweak Sugar to make it look just how you want it to. Alter colors, change fonts, and it's a personlized theme just for your account. Read on to learn more.
An Omnichannel Platform With SugarCRM and Zendesk
Our sister company at Fanatical Labs uses Zendesk on a daily basis for everything customer supported related and SugarCRM for everything sales and marketing related. These are two great tools that do what they do very well. But having separate systems for different purposes has its challenges. Particularly around accessing the data you need no matter which tool you are in. At it's most basic level that is what an omnichannel platform is all about. Our friends over at Brainsell use Zendesk and SugarCRM as well. They share how they use Fanatically Zen to make that omnichannel experience work for them and how they can do that for you as well.
Add-On Spotlight
Upsert® Themes
FEATUREDApply unique color palettes and watermarks for all of your Sugar environments including portal. -
Sweet Hierarchy
FEATUREDImprove your Sales team's productivity by accessing a clear view of the account's hierarchy within an organization. Easily navigate complex organizational structures and identify their key c... -
Advanced Marketing Lists
Advanced Marketing Lists automatically fill Target Lists and keep updated the Campaigns to which they are associated. - Show more addons