SugarCRM has a nice feature included in its Module Loader that will display the software license included with a module. This is a simple way to ensure that users read and understand what the license agreement for using a given module is before installing it. It's really simple to add your own license to a module. Simply drop a LICENSE.txt into the root directory of your zip file and SugarCRM with automatically display the license prompt during installation.

My license isn't showing!

There is a weird case in specifically where SugarCRM doesn't detect the LICENSE.txt file and what you see instead is:

The solution is odd, but simple. Copy LICENSE.txt to LICENSE with no extension and keep both files in the root directory of the zip. This ensures that it works in both scenarios.


Black magic. We're not entirely sure why at this point, but it works. If you have any additional feedback or other odd best practices to follow let us know.

Edit: This appears to only affect The issue has since been fixed