Requirements and important issues
PHP: 5.6, 7.1 Database: MySQL
Important Issues
• onDemand instances (SugarCloud) are not supported.
eVolpe Data Anonymizer is a tool designed to quickly encode data on your SugarCRM instance, while preserving their diversity and relations between data. This allows you to quickly prepare a realistic instance for tests and demonstrations without a risk of leaking data.
WARNING: Anonymizer doesn’t create any data on its own, only transforms existing data. By default, this process includes overwriting all data from selected modules and erasing all audit tables. Due to this, once started, anonymization process cannot be undone and all data in that instance will be permanently lost. Anonymizer is designed to be executed on CRM instances intended for tests and demonstrations. Never run Anonymizer on your production instance – otherwise you risk losing all of your data.
Installation and running
SugarCRM instances come with built-in tools to execute tasks from command line. As such, to install Anonymizer, you just need to install the package via Sugar Module Loader.
Anonymizer does not generate new records. A Instance has to have records before you run the Anonymizer.
sudo -u www-data php bin/sugarcrm anonymization:run --config <name of configuration>
- it is name of dir with configuration files. Default configuration in package is located in dir include/DataAnonymizer/config/default - if configuration is not provided or does not exist, the system use default configuration.