by urdhvatech

A complete SugarCRM and Docusign integration which allows us to quickly pull data from SugarCRM modules like Account, Contact, Lead, Prospect, User, Quote and Contract and then send them out for signature directly from SugarCRM. The signed document's fields are then returned to SugarCRM and attached to the corresponding SugarCRM records. The signed documents are returned to SugarCRM and attached to the document envelope.

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Release Notes

[Version 1.0]

  • Upgrade Safe.
  • Browse and send a document from the local system
  • Get Docusign templates in SugarCRM through the scheduler.
  • Send SugarCRM PDF templates
  • Docusign field mapping configuration allows mapping the DS template fields to the CRM module fields
  • Synchronize bi-directional fields, Sync from CRM to Docusign and Docusign to CRM
  • Signed document gets saved as a Notes Attachment in CRM which is related to the document envelope.

[Version 1.1]

  • Bug fix: Docusign production url issue.

[Version 1.2]

  • Bug fix: Scheduler updates the Docusign documents even when the status was not changed.

[Version 1.3]

  • Enhancement: Synchronize Docusign templates and update the list in CRM from admin section.

[Version 1.4]

  • Enhancement: Enable Docusign webhook to update the status of and document in CRM as and when the Document is Signed or status changes.

[Version 1.5]

  • Enhancement: When sending a PDF template from CRM to Docusign for signature, you can now capture the Initials, Signature of Assigned User, Signature of Current User.
  • Adding variables in the PDF template for the Assigned user and Current user will let the document first be signed by them and then gets sent for signature to the customer.

[Version 1.6]

  • Bug Fix: Docusign webhook works only if the CRM hosted is on HTTPS.

[Version 1.7]

  • Bug Fix: While sending Docusign Templates check the webhook url is HTTPS or not.

[Version 1.8]

  • Bug Fix: Resolved failed email deliveries for Carbon Copy recipients when sending from Docusign templates.

[Version 2.0]

  • Enhancement: Upgrading the integration to support oAuth 2.0 protocol with docusign library version 2.1

[Version 2.1]

  • Bug Fix: Class instance into Object Serializer.

[Version 2.2]

  • Bug Fix: Resolved the error fetching Docusign templates when the template has a dropdown field.
  • Enhancement: Support for Docusign Dropdown on templates now available, and can be used in fields mapping.
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