by Sugar-project

Reporting and Theme Efficiencies All Wrapped in One. A SugarCRM theme and reporting tool all wrapped into one plan. Increase productivity with this feature-rich, configurable theme and easily create professional reports

Installation Guide

Installing the Add-on

You can install EasyTheme like a standard SugarCRM theme from the Administration panel. Click on module loader and upload the theme package ( Follow the instructions to install the theme. To enable the theme, go to your user account, click the "Themes" tab, and select the EasyTheme theme.

Once the theme is installed, you will then want to download the Administration Module ( This will make the theme easily customizable. Just like the theme, click on module loader and upload the package. Follow the instructions on screen to install. After it is installed, you'll notice in the Admin area, there are two new EasyTheme menu options. These options allow you to customize various items in the theme.

Optional Configuration

Customize the PDF Reports

You can customize the cover page, header and footer of your PDF reports. EasyTheme uses an .ini file for this (it is not a module of SugarCRM). You can edit this file (/themes/Easy-Theme20/php/easytheme20.ini) and follow the instructions to change the header footer, company logo, disclaimer and other settings.

Customize the colors and logo of the Theme

After installing and enabling the theme and installing the EasyTheme Administration Module, you'll find a couple links on the Admin area in the EasyTheme section. These links allow you to customize various items in the theme, including theme colors and company logo. After saving any changes, be sure to run a Quick Rebuild and Repair of SugarCRM and clear your browsers cache for the changes to take effect.

Other Notes

We called internally Easy Theme as the Classic because SugarCRM CE disables some functionality to any Theme that is not called Classic. Install Easy-Theme with the name of Classic and disable the standard Theme (Classic) in SugarCRM: Admin-> Themes settings, disable the second item called Classic.

If necessary, that Classic theme remains in use, users can still easily choose the theme based on Theme image (click on the user name in the top right and then editing the user profile to choose the theme).

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