Are you tired of juggling multiple spreadsheets, struggling with endless emails, and losing track of important event details? Say goodbye to the chaos and hello to the KINAMU Events Management Module, the ultimate event management plugin designed to streamline every aspect of your event planning process.

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User Guide

KINAMU Business Solutions GmbH

Talpagasse 1A | A-1230 Wien | | Tel: +43 1 306 20-0

KINAMU Events Management Module

for organising Events and Event Locations
Vienna, Juni 2024
Version 3.x



The Events Module is the core of the application. Here you can plan your Events, invite People to these Events and manage all related mailings.


The Locations Module contains simple records which determine the Location and the capacity of the related Events.


The Invitations Module provides an overview of all invitees, the corresponding event and invite status (Accepted, Tentative, Declined).


The Participations Module allows you insight into the actual participants of an event, including a visual graph.

Costs and Revenues

The Costs Module and Revenues Module provide you with an overview and reports of the costs and revenues you amass for an event.

Speakers, Suppliers, Partners, Tasks

The Speakers, Suppliers, Partners Modules are three separate modules that provide information about the speakers, suppliers, and partners involved with the event. Tasks can be assigned to the Event.

Tickets Ticket Sales

The Tickets provide the ability to assign activities or limited resources to participants. E.g., if you have limited parking spaces, you can provide a Ticket for each, and the Invitees can choose to request one.

Target Lists

With the Target List Module, you can segment your contacts and sort them into specific target lists, which can later be used to easily send out invites to an event.

Documentation, Feedback

Documentations are a relationship between the Documents Modules and the Events Module. The Feedback Module provides Participants the opportunity to leave Feedback for you.

Basic Controls

The KINAMU Events Management Module uses the default Sugar UI. You can open the Events and Locations module by using the Sugar Navigation. The Subpanels can be used like any other Sugar core module.

The only nav-menu exposed Modules are Events and Locations. Inside the Events Menu, you can find additional functionality:

  • Start Scanner: Opens the Scanner app used to record Participations at the front desk of your Event. Alternatively, you can use the URL /rest/v11_16/knm_Events/scanner to start the App on any mobile device.
  • Import Participants: Provides you with the ability to import your Events Targets from Excel/OpenOffice/OnlyOffice/LibreOffice by using your Clipboard.
  • Event Invitations and participation report: An advanced Sugar Report for Event Reporting.


Event Record

When creating an Event, you need to assign a Name, a start and end Date, and an Email Template. The Email Template will be used for sending Invites, but later you can use a different one for your mailing.


Tabs in Event Record View

  1. Event Information
    • Date Fields: Start Date, End Date, Accept Deadline, Decline Deadline
    • Budget, Costs, and Revenues: Used for Tracking associated spending and earnings.
    • Location: Controls the Event capacity for multiple Reports and the queue mechanism.
    • Published: Controls if the Report is contained in the Calendar Export.
    • Allow tentative accepts: Provides the invitees with a third option: ‘tentative’.
    • Event capacity behaviour: Controls the queuing of accepts.
      • Limit capacity: Locks all responses except declines once the Capacity of the Location is filled.
      • Waiting List: Allows for further accepts above the Capacity of the Location but keeps those in a queue.
      • Unlimited: Ignores the capacity and allows for unlimited accepts to the Event.
    • URLs: Remote Meeting URL, Redirect URL, Redirect URL Decline
    • Agenda: Passed in the Calendar export.
  1. Email Settings
  • Sending method and templates: Default Email Template, Reminder Template, Autoreply Template, Feedback Template, Queue Notification and Ticket Queue Notification Templates.
  • From Name and Email: Can be used to change the Name and Mail of your Invitations Sender.
  • Template usage: Invitation Template, Autoreply Template, Reminder Template, Feedback Template, Queue Notification Template, Ticket Queue Notification Template.
  1. Details
  • Default Sugar fields: Responsible for assignment and team management.
  • Description: Used in the default Response UI as Footer and can be used for disclaimers and legal information.



Adding Targets to Event

  • Target List with Excel import: Create a List yourself.
  • Send invitations button: Uses this List, checks for uncontacted Targets, creates Invitations, and sends the Invitation template.
  • Create Invitations button: Creates invitation Records without sending Mails, allowing you to use the Export functionality and send your own Invitations with a Mailing tool of your choice.

Invitations Information List/Subpanel-view

  • Columns: Name of the Invite, Name of the Invitee, Event, Reply Date, Invite status (Accepted, Tentative, Declined), In queue, Failure (during sending of Mail).

Invitation Record View

  • Information: Basic information regarding the information, related target record, Event, invitation status, reply Date, queue status.
  • QR code: Used to scan the invite at the entry of your Event.
  • Walk-in check box: Used to manually create Invitation for further tracking.
  • Description field: Contains all Mailing associated logs.
  • Subpanels: Related information regarding this Invitation - Participations, Tickets, and E-Mail.

Visual Representation

  • Acceptance status: Visual representation of the acceptance status of invitations in the form of diagrams.
  • Occupancy of the location: Indicates whether the capacity of the location has been reached or exceeded.


The Ticket module shows tickets related to an Event. You can define Tickets for limited resources like Seats or Parking spaces to further segment your event. The Tickets related to an Event can be found the Subpanel below the Event and sold/reserved Tickets can be found below the Invitation that has the Ticket or in the Sold tickets Subpanel below the Ticket itself


Ticket Definition

  • Properties:
    • Price: Added to the Event revenue for each Ticket claimed.
    • Sold and Queued Tickets: Number of sold and queued Tickets of this kind.
    • Maximum tickets: Define how many tickets of this type can be claimed.
    • Max tickets per Invitation: Define how many tickets of this type can be claimed by any one Invitation.
    • Ticket Revenue: Total revenue of this Ticket type.
  • Deletion of Invitation record: Deletes all associated tickets.

Working with the Events Module

  • Importing Targets from Excel
    • Participants Import UI: Use clipboard to create Target Lists.
    • Column requirement: E-Mail Address.
    • Step 2: Map the columns of your Excel to the Fields of the Import Module for new records.
    • Step 3: Start the import.
  • Managing E-Mail Templates
    • Example templates: Prefix ‘Kinamu Events Demo’ in the Title.

Besides the Variables of the Events module itself $knm_events_FIELDNAME (e.g. $knm_events_name gives the event name) ten further variables are available:

  • $knm_events_invite_qr

    • Generates an image Tag with the QR ( is used for the E-Mail QR codes, for extensive use a personal Server is recommended, due to Sugar cloud restrictions we cannot include a QR library in the package)
  • $knm_events_response

    • This variable generates the invitation link to the response UI (same as the link in Pic 7)
  • $knm_events_calendar_link

    • This will generate a general download link for the Event calendar entry
  • $knm_events_calendar_link_personalized

    • Download link for a personalized calendar entry using the autoreply E-mail template
  • $knm_events_feedback_link

    • Generates the Link to the Feedback Form (only works for Invitations with Participations)
  • $knm_events_decline_link

    • Instant decline Link (used for API or one click decline). Note that this Link should not be used in mailings because Firewalls tend to activate this link when checking for Malware
  • $knm_events_accept_link

    • Instant accept Link (used for API or one click accept). Note that this Link should not be used in mailings because Firewalls tend to activate this link when checking for Malware
  • $knm_events_tentative_link

    • Instant tentative Link (used for API or one click tentative). Note that this Link should not be used in mailings because Firewalls will activate this link when checking for Malware
  • $knm_events_invite_id

    • Provides the invite ID for further use in custom Forms
  • $knm_events_invite_status

    • Provides the status for use in custom Forms
  • Event Actions

    • Actions menu: Nine additional actions.
    • Export Participants: Download a csv file with target information, invite information, participation information, and ticket information.
    • Create Invitations: Create all Invitation records without sending E-Mails.
    • Send Invitations: Check the Target Lists for uncontacted targets, create invitation records, and send the “Invite Template”.
    • Re-Send Invitations: Target Failed and records which had their E-Mail address changed since the last mailing.
    • Send Reminders: Send the “reminder Template” to all already invited targets which have not responded.
    • Send Feedback request: Send feedback requests to participants after the event to collect their feedback.
    • Send test buttons: Target the currently logged in user without checking the Target Lists.
  • Managing Invitations
    • Subpanel Filters: Use the Sugar edit Buttons to accept or decline the invitations.
    • Unlinking or deleting: Deletes the record and all claimed tickets.
    • Declining Invitations: Frees all claimed tickets and notifies all who moved ahead.

Save the date mailings or dry runs

Create Invitation Templates without reply links, just to let people know that a new event is coming up. We recommend duplicating an event before sending such mailings.


Using the SugarCRM Reporter, you can get all information regarding any Event. By using the Invitations for running Events or Participations or past events as base module. The first filter should always be the related Event ID to ensure that only related records are shown.

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