Admin Guide
Scheduled Jobs
Once Add-on Lampada HelloSign is properly installed and configured you can review the installed Scheduled Jobs and update theirs frequency as you wish. Make sure the yours CRM's Operating System has cron properly configured to execute yours CRM's Scheduled Jobs.
At first you need to get HelloSign Templates imported into your CRM, so update Scheduled Job HelloSign Templates Sweeper in order to have it ran asap.
Document Templates
Wait for that Jobs execution and make sure new HelloSign Templates had been imported into your CRM instance.
Parent Type means to which Module a Template is related to. That field filters Templates to be listed on selecting one of then when creating a Signature Request. Additionally that field tells Custom Fields how to validate an entered Formula for Merging. Formula for Merging supports the following patterns: - field - link.field - - The string ... means as link as you want to define, since they are valid ones for nested link fields, for example: Given Quotes as Parent Module opportunities.accounts.account_type
The Formula validation proceed this way: 1. Validation engine looks for a field whose name matches the typed Formula for Merging in the module selected on field Parent Type or in a module linked directly or indirectly to the module selected on that field. 2. If no field is found an alert message is displayed and the respective field is erased. 3. If a field is found but that field is of type link then an alert message is displayed and the respective field is erased. 4. If a field is found in a linked module but this module represents the side Many of the relationship then an alert message is displayed and the respective field is erased. 5. If a field is found following all constrains then the field remain intact.
Edit a given Template and update the fields Parent Type and Locked Message? as you wish.
Finally edit each Custom Field in subpanel and update the field Formula for Merging.
Make sure no alert is displayed and save the Template. That Template now may be selected on creating a Signature Request.
![Saving Comment](