by SugarCRM

With Sugar Integrate for Acuity Scheduling, provide a cohesive, user friendly integration for your sales team's visibility into potential customer and employee appointments. An integration brought to you by SugarCRM.


Configuration Set-Up Services are Required

Configuration Set-Up Services must be performed by Sugar Professional Services or a SugarCRM Implementation Partner.


Acuity Scheduling is a cloud-based appointment scheduling software solution that enables business owners to manage their appointments online. Sugar Integrate for Acuity enables the synchronization of meeting information from Acuity Scheduling to Sugar. Data from Acuity appointments is saved in the Sugar Meetings modules. The complete appointment information from Acuity is saved as a JSON record for further processing e.g. with the help of logic hooks. The Integrate workflows will provide sales visibility into appointments requested by external customers or by the users of the business owner themselves. 

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Integration Capabilities

  • In Acuity Scheduling, the Appointments can be booked from different landing pages. Each appointment is assigned a unique appointment type.
  • Each appointment can have different add-ons which can also be selected by the customer creating the booking request. These add-ons can extend the length of an appointment, which is handled within Acuity Scheduling.​
  • The business owner can define their own fields which can or must be filled by its customer when an appointment is scheduled. These fields are created dynamically. Their values are transferred to Sugar in the full appointment JSON record.​
  • When a booking request (appointment) is saved the integration is informed about that save and a process is started which reads the appointment from Acuity Scheduling, searches for the same appointment in Sugar and creates or updates the matching Meeting in Sugar.​
  • Customers have full access to certain calendars of the business owner to schedule appointments with them.

Integration Pre-requisites​

  • Acuity Scheduling instance with full API access​
  • Sugar Sell or Sugar Enterprise 11.0​
  • Sugar’s Acuity installable package – adding custom Sugar field(s) ​
  • Sugar Integrate license for Acuity​
  • Sugar dedicated user license for the integration ​


  • Acuity Scheduling sends all information by web hooks to Sugar integration. When the integration is unreachable, the web hook is called subsequently until it is executed successfully, ​hence, the Meeting module is not updated immediately within SugarCRM
  • Appointments which are hard deleted in Acuity cannot be synced to SugarCRM
  • Any changes made in SugarCRM Meetings are not synced to Acuity scheduling.
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