by Seven Tunes Labs
With the SugarCRM API Interface, get access to helpful SugarCRM APIs and detailed documentation served right in your browser using Swagger UI. Interact, try, share, and integrate easily without having to use Postman or IDE rest clients
The Initial module loadable package: * Swagger UI Interface * Admin UI to restrict modules
Mobileforce's Field Service Management (FSM) solution is uniquely designed to streamline field service operations, enabling increased service capacity, improved first-time fix rates, reduced co...
Zendesk Integration for Sugar optimizes the collaboration between your sales and service teams. The solution uses the Make integration platform to give you great adaptability whenever you need it.<...
The Box Integration for Sugar by Faye is a simple, scalable, and affordable solution to manage documents, media, and all your content online. Share files as a link. Sync files on the desktop. It’...
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