CM & Sugar

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Display NameCM & Sugar
Member SinceNovember 05, 2013
Last SeenJune 18, 2024
Support February 27, 2019 @ 11:08 am
Please do a repair. After installing you need to do a double repair, as mentioned at install doc. There should be an output, which you can accept and execute. Do another repair and verify, if the output is empty. Afterwards that error should be gone. View Comment
Support January 21, 2019 @ 11:17 am
Hello, sadly it is not supporting Sugar8. We are waiting for SugarCRM itself providing us an add-on integrator permission. Since we support similar SugarCRM frameworks such as Suite and Spice as well, its is more difficult. However, if there will be a client demanding sequencing add-on for Sugar8, the upgrade will be availbale. View Comment
Support July 27, 2018 @ 11:38 pm
There must be more than just a workflow action given. For running you also need to have certain conditions being successful. Actions can be only triggered after a condition matches. If you want to do sth at Lead status change, you will have to figure out your conditions and also check the the workflow setup. For detailed support you can host a websession or record your setup and errors by video and send by e-mail. View Comment
Support July 24, 2018 @ 12:15 pm
I need a bit more input. Have you went through the full installation guide as described? What is the issue. Just "not working" is hard to support. Thanks, View Comment
Support February 22, 2018 @ 06:50 pm
Do you got any email address? I would like to send you version 1.4.1. Maybe that issue has been already fixed. View Comment
Support December 12, 2017 @ 08:15 am
Shoudl be no problem at all. Please contact Jason from SO to manage the refunding. View Comment
Support December 11, 2017 @ 10:12 pm
Hello, it just support latest Sugar 6 standards as described in here. Sugar7 does not support old workflow chainings of logic_hooks. We got too much trouble by hosting the addon for Sugar7, thus we removed it from our support. View Comment
Support September 16, 2017 @ 12:08 pm
Hello, since I am not using any aow modules, I cant give you a satisfying answer. However, my plugin does use a logging table for triggered records, which got linked to any defined workflow. It is mandatory to log them, if you have a certain limit defined. For example I provide the feature that you can trigger workflow just one time (eg new record) and never again. Thus I need to store the record somewhere. Further, I do save the logged records, but only once it has been identified to trigger any linked action. Therefore it should produce way lesser overhead than aow modules, where they save all the time any interaction of any SugarCRM record. View Comment
Support July 23, 2017 @ 09:18 pm
not at all. You can have as many sequences as you want acting on different modules. There you are right, However, you sent me two different sequences and thats the actual problem. Somehow there must have been a previous one, which is interfering to the current one. The next value check uses always the same procedure within the column of a table. But if the setup changes and there are already older values given, you can face such problems. To solve it, you must repair the data by your own and reset the values. In any case, you should backup your table(s) before! View Comment
Support July 23, 2017 @ 10:04 am
Well there were definitely two sequences defined. I guess that is the reason for your current issue. They have different length and different zero padding. Therefore it will always create one number and use it. To fix it, you must correct either the old wrong values from your table by hand, or you remove them and use autofill. Otherwise you can send me your table and sequence definition and I can try to repair by some sql commands, but that service would be paid in advance. View Comment
Support February 28, 2017 @ 06:13 am
Sounds like there is permission issues going on. If a sequence is deleted, it is not triggered any more at your modules. Maybe it is linked to another user? You can check it by reading the table "sequences" If you dont want to use it, you can update the "deleted" flag to "1". View Comment
Support December 29, 2016 @ 03:24 pm
I try to reproduce the error, but I failed. Sadly there is no e-mail address given by you, thus I could send you a recorded video of my local trial. I used a fresh Suite 778 and my latest addon. I can see, there is also a difference between your and my version, since you have two "1" images next to your auto filled field. View Comment
Support December 28, 2016 @ 09:39 pm
Does it overwrite the previous value or it fills an empty field of an exitsting account? Suite 778 is the latest version right? View Comment
Support December 22, 2016 @ 08:58 pm
Ok, I understand. Did you actually upgraded to the latest version I have sent you few days before by e-mail? By trying your sequence out and some dummy date as C300 or C999 or C1000 I can't face any error. Duplicating works great and the readonly flag prevents any direct editing. If the upgrade wont help, I guess, we will need to do a websession. I must have a deeper look within your application and check the database outputs. For that I would need direct access to your webserver for touching the existing files. View Comment
Support December 21, 2016 @ 07:44 pm
Can you have a look, if there is also a clients_cstm table available? Your sequence definition is not matching to the given table. The column of your export is called "anum", but the sequence is linked to "anum_c", which is usually a custom field stored at the _cstm tables for each module. View Comment
Support December 19, 2016 @ 11:32 pm
If possible, please send me a complete export of your table (clients + clients_cstm) in .csv format to my mail address. Thanks. View Comment
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