#2751 - Repeated Values
I currently have a version of SuiteCRM 7.2.2 and the sequence module 1.3.0 but unfortunately I have created duplicate records. My account database already has more than 2000 records. First in Admin / Studio create a field called anum_c 5-character character. Second it creates the sequence in its module Secuences and performed a massive update of the 2000 registers for the field to be auto-tagged. Everything seemed perfect, however with the passage of the days I have noticed that several records have taken the same value of ANUM_C. Which gives you the vision that the records are being duplicated, that is, several records with the same account number. Could you help me solve this? I have already done several times the process of creating fields and I have been the same problem.
They have Spanish support?
8 years ago
Actually there is a duplicate check implemented, thus I guess it must be another type of problem. Do you have the possibility of sharing your sequence definition and accounts table? I can forward you the latest version 1.3.2, but I guess that wont fix your current problem.
8 years ago
And field definition in Studio:
8 years ago
Is there any chance of inspecting your clientes table? Right now I cant figure out, why there is such a problem
8 years ago
how do you need it? csv, excel format table?
8 years ago
If possible, please send me a complete export of your table (clients + clients_cstm) in .csv format to my mail address. Thanks.
8 years ago
From Support Case #2751 - Repeated Values
I send table from Email chentefernando@hotmail.com
As example is ANUM C300 is repeated value.
8 years ago
Can you have a look, if there is also a clients_cstm table available? Your sequence definition is not matching to the given table. The column of your export is called "anum", but the sequence is linked to "anum_c", which is usually a custom field stored at the _cstm tables for each module.
8 years ago
I send you only a Export directly from accounts SuiteCRM and not from database and field is correct anum_c equals to anum (is the same field).
8 years ago
Ok, I understand. Did you actually upgraded to the latest version I have sent you few days before by e-mail? By trying your sequence out and some dummy date as C300 or C999 or C1000 I can't face any error. Duplicating works great and the readonly flag prevents any direct editing. If the upgrade wont help, I guess, we will need to do a websession. I must have a deeper look within your application and check the database outputs. For that I would need direct access to your webserver for touching the existing files.