Hello. I believe I found the issue yesterday and now doing some testing to confirm the fix. Indeed there seems to be some change in a recent version of Sugar. I confirmed yesterday that jobs with process order 2 and higher were running after the order 1 jobs. Do you happen to have a sandbox environment we can confirm on? I am happy to install and test if that is acceptable.
You can actually navigate to the Filters module and delete filters. If you go to your instance and set the module to Filters in the URL (see below) you can sort and mass delete filters there. Sugar does not have any navigation to get to this module directly or to adjust the layout without code.
vs http://docker.local/sugar/#Accounts
You can access Advanced Reports by going to Reports->Advanced Reports->View Custom Queries.
Or navigate to /#bwc/index.php?module=CustomQueries&action=index&return_module=CustomQueries&return_action=DetailView
As you've probably seen before just replace with the URL of your instance ie https://instance.sugarondemand.com/
Create a query and paste the below query in the Query Field. This should give you a list of the filters shared. I added the creator, who it was shared with, the filter name, and date.
SELECT f.name AS 'filter_name'
, f.module_name as 'filter_module'
, CONCAT(u1.first_name, ' ', u1.last_name) AS 'filter_creator'
, CONCAT(u2.first_name, ' ', u2.last_name) AS 'filter_owner'
, fo.description AS 'original_filter_id'
, fo.date_entered AS 'filter_create_date'
FROM filters f
JOIN users u1 ON f.created_by = u1.id AND u1.deleted = 0 AND f.deleted = 0
JOIN filters fo ON fo.description = f.id
JOIN users u2 ON fo.created_by = u2.id
ORDER BY fo.description, fo.date_entered ASC
I hope all is well with you. Are you talking about Filters shared by using the little '+' icon on the filter itself. Meaning more user shares rather than Admin pushed?
Based on your question I am guessing this is the case. There isn't a direct way for Filter Deployer to show this information because we do not store any separate records when the Filters are shared. However, I believe there is a way to get the information. The information you are looking for is on the filters table.
In particular with the fields [id, created_by, description] we can derive the information you want. Do you have access to the database either being self hosted or via Advanced Reports (Meaning you are on Sell or Enterprise?)
If so let me know if you'd like some help writing the query to get the information you'd like. Thanks a lot and take care.
Sounds good Vincent. If you start any trials again just email me and I'll send over a modified version you can use that won't update the date_modifed/ modified by.
Yes that is possible. In the short term if you like I can just modify an installable package to do just that. I think would be a nice configuration feature but I won't have time to implement that for the next few weeks.
if you are interested please just start a trial and let me know at shad@jackalsoftware.com and I'll send you over a modified version you can install.
Hello Vincent and thank you for your question. In the end the job simply saves the record using the bean save functionality. So to answer your question at this time it will update the date modfied and modified by.
This is a good point though and having that as a configuration option is a good idea. Are you saying for the use case you have you'd prefer to not have those fields updated?
Thank you for your trial of the Background Updater and sorry you are having issues. Sorry but I do not see the image with the error you mentioned.
Can you please attach it here or send it to shad@jackalsoftware.com please? Also would you please forward the Sugarlog by going to Admin->Diagnostic Tools and selecting sugarcrm.log. After running you will be directed to download a diagnostic file. If you could forward that as well I'd appreciate it very much.