by Jackal Software

Have calculated fields and logic hooks that your business depends on for reporting and business logic. Unfortunately those rules only run when a record is saved. Background Updater runs in the background to ensure your records are regularly updated so you can be sure your data is up to date.

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#4825 - Process Order Bug?

Open Bug? created by cgraham Verified Purchase 11 months ago

We have been using BU for many years and just updated to the latest version. We adjusted the Process Order to fit our needs. Now only the updater task with Process Order set to "1" will run. The others never run even after the first one has updated all records..

  1. namcorp member avatar

    Jackal Software Provider Affiliate

    10 months ago

    Thank you for letting me know. I will investigate and let you know what I find or if I need additional information.

  2. namcorp member avatar

    Jackal Software Provider Affiliate

    10 months ago

    Hello. I believe I found the issue yesterday and now doing some testing to confirm the fix. Indeed there seems to be some change in a recent version of Sugar. I confirmed yesterday that jobs with process order 2 and higher were running after the order 1 jobs. Do you happen to have a sandbox environment we can confirm on? I am happy to install and test if that is acceptable.

  3. cgraham member avatar

    cgraham Verified Purchase

    10 months ago

    Thank you for your prompt response! I have requested a sandbox from support. I will let you know when it is ready.

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