#3605 - Contacts not syncing to Mailchimp - error in logfile
Created 2 new lists and when syncing I receive the following msg and the contacts are not uploaded to Mailchimp.
Error in logfile: Thu Mar 15 15:00:11 2018 [45657][-none-][FATAL] SugarChimp:fatal:1521126011: Mailchimp_Webhooks_Receiver cannot process webhook, no list id is provided
6 years ago
Hello there,
I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with the syncing process. The log file that is referenced should be sent whenever we add a new webhook to the list, because it has no data attached to it. If you go to the synced MailChimp List > Settings > Webhooks, do you see our SugarCRM webhook there?
Can you give me more details about where the sync process is breaking down? Do you have records on your Target List that are not getting across to MailChimp? Or is your Target List blank? Can you also verify if you have records on the Target List, do they have good, valid email addresses?
Let me know what you find and we will get you lined up. You could also send over a screenshot of your Health Status page to support@sugarchimp.com. This will let me make sure nothing obvious is failing there either.
Thanks, Jon
6 years ago
Thanks for the reply.
The target list is not empty - there are records and they all have email addresses.
This is the webhook entry for that list: https://crm.2buy2.com/index.php?module=SugarChimp&entryPoint=SugarChimpWebhook
6 years ago
Thanks for giving me this update, Gareth. Everything looks normal on the Health Status screen, so there's no obvious culprit. What I suggest is getting on a call together so we can figure out what is happening. Can you schedule a call with me here: https://calendly.com/fanaticallabs/sugarchimp-support
We will figure out what's going on.
Thanks, Jon
6 years ago
Hello Gareth,
I wanted to follow up here and see if you were able to schedule us a time to look at your system together?
Regards, Jon
6 years ago
I'm going to go ahead and close out this case for now. If you are able to get us any additional information to help troubleshoot the issue, I'm happy to re-open the case. Otherwise, don't hesitate to reach back out if we can help with anything else.
Kind Regards, Jon