#3624 - Sugar CRM call reminder issue
We have been experiencing issues with our sugar CRM call reminders. The call reminders come on time but they always come from one user, even if that user is no where involved in creating or assigning the call to users. The reminders say that he has assigned a call. We reported this to Sugar CRM support and after investigation they said that SugarChimp logic hooks are interfering with legacy workflows. They also pointed out the following lines of code that are causing the issue.
a.) $hook_array['before_save'][] = Array(50,'SugarChimp','modules/SugarChimp/includes/classes/SugarChimp/LogicHook.php','SugarChimp_LogicHook','PersonUpdateBeforeSave',);
b.) $hook_array['after_save'][] = Array(50,'SugarChimp','modules/SugarChimp/includes/classes/SugarChimp/LogicHook.php','SugarChimp_LogicHook','PersonUpdateAfterSave',);
c.) $hook_array['after_delete'][] = Array(50,'SugarChimp','modules/SugarChimp/includes/classes/SugarChimp/LogicHook.php','SugarChimp_LogicHook','PersonAfterDelete',);
d.) $hook_array['before_delete'][] = Array(50,'SugarChimp','modules/SugarChimp/includes/classes/SugarChimp/LogicHook.php','SugarChimp_LogicHook','PersonBeforeDelete',);
They believe that the issue can be solved by removing the SugarChimp logic hook. But that could create other issue. Could you please look into this and see if you could fix the issue.
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago