#3713 - Confirmed Opted In and how SugarChimp passes that data to MailChimp
Hi there!
I have now tested around for a while, but I do not see any clear link between Suite CRM's confirmed-opt-in and MailChimp. My environment is an upgrade from Sugar CE to current Suite CRM 7.10.5. Due to GDPR we have Confirmed Opt In in email settings. This means that Suite CRM only sends (or should send) emails to contacts marked as "confirmed-opt-in". But how is this handled by SugarChimp? As far as I have tested now all contacts with at least "opt-in" are passed to MailChimp, not only those contacts who are marked as "confirmed-opt-in". Am I missing something or is this still under development?
Of course it is not a problem if I manually put contacts with "confirmed-opt-in" to targetlists in Suite CRM, but since that is not the idea with SugarChimp I am asking... I do not neither know if MailChimp really can handle this accordingly.
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago