by Fanatical Labs

Save Your Team Countless Hours. SugarChimp syncs your lists in both directions so you can work in your preferred app. Segment and group your Mailchimp subscribers based on Sugar data so you can market to the right people at the right time. Compatible with all versions and editions of Sell & Enterprise. Created by Fanatical Labs, 2023 SugarCRM Partner Award Winner.

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#3834 - Problems using the options to sync records automatically to MailChimp: Filters or SQL Query

Closed Bug? created by redk - Professional Services BCN 6 years ago
Hi Team, I have problems using the options to sync records automatically to MailChimp: Filters or SQL Query **Create Filters to automatically sync Leads to MailChimp.** I try to define simple filters and I get results, for instance: The current SmartList filters would allow 141 Leads on the list. ![Captura de pantalla 2018-08-14 a las 12.41.10.png]( "Captura de pantalla 2018-08-14 a las 12.41.10.png") **Write your own SQL Query to automatically sync Leads to MailChimp** The SQL sentence is right, for instance: ![Captura de pantalla 2018-08-14 a las 12.36.10.png]( "Captura de pantalla 2018-08-14 a las 12.36.10.png") In both testings, the target list of SugarCRM keeps empty. The aren't records to sync to MailChimp so the list in Mailchimp keeps empty too. **Shouldn't the target list of SugarCRM shows the same number of records as the SQL's/Filter's result?** Of course, if the emails aren't invalid or refused or there are duplicate emails. If you try to add records (directly from the target List of SugarCRM) manually by report or filters (in listview) into SugarCRM, those records are added on the target list and everything works fine. The records are synced to MailChimp perfectly. Using Filters or SQL sentences from SugarChimp, the sync doesn't work. There're not pending queues because I've cleared both queues before my testings. Maybe there is any kind of technic problem, isn't? Please, could you help me? I'm not able to find the problem. Thanks a lot and kind regards Beatriz Product Owner in redk
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