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#3834 - Problems using the options to sync records automatically to MailChimp: Filters or SQL Query

Closed Bug? created by redk - Professional Services BCN 6 years ago

Hi Team,

I have problems using the options to sync records automatically to MailChimp: Filters or SQL Query

Create Filters to automatically sync Leads to MailChimp. I try to define simple filters and I get results, for instance: The current SmartList filters would allow 141 Leads on the list. ![Captura de pantalla 2018-08-14 a las 12.41.10.png]( "Captura de pantalla 2018-08-14 a las 12.41.10.png")

Write your own SQL Query to automatically sync Leads to MailChimp The SQL sentence is right, for instance: ![Captura de pantalla 2018-08-14 a las 12.36.10.png]( "Captura de pantalla 2018-08-14 a las 12.36.10.png")

In both testings, the target list of SugarCRM keeps empty. The aren't records to sync to MailChimp so the list in Mailchimp keeps empty too. Shouldn't the target list of SugarCRM shows the same number of records as the SQL's/Filter's result? Of course, if the emails aren't invalid or refused or there are duplicate emails. If you try to add records (directly from the target List of SugarCRM) manually by report or filters (in listview) into SugarCRM, those records are added on the target list and everything works fine. The records are synced to MailChimp perfectly. Using Filters or SQL sentences from SugarChimp, the sync doesn't work.

There're not pending queues because I've cleared both queues before my testings. Maybe there is any kind of technic problem, isn't? Please, could you help me? I'm not able to find the problem.

Thanks a lot and kind regards Beatriz Product Owner in redk

  1. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hello Beatriz, Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I agree there seems to be some sort of technical problem, as you said: If the Tests show 141 records but none are added to the Target List on the next few scheduler runs, then there definitely seems to be an issue. When you cleared out the queues, did you also check the SmartList queue? That one can be checked at '/layout/adminsmartlistqueue'.

    If there is something there, let me know how many records and send over your sugarcrm logs as that queue might not be processing as expected. If the smartlist_queue table is empty as well, then we need to raise our logging and try the process again.

    To raise logging for the 'filters/sql' piece, we need to open the browser console and run:'get',SUGAR.App.api.buildURL('Smartlist/setting/logger/debug'),{},{});

    From there, go back to the SugarChimp configuration, run those tests, and save the configuration. Give the scheduler a couple of runs and send over your SugarCRM logs to

    Let me know how it goes.

    Thanks, Jon

  2. fhanoun member avatar

    Hi Jon,

    Following your instructions, I found some problems........

    I get an error 500 if I try to execute "/layout/adminsmartlistqueue":

    Error 500.png

    Here you can see the detail: General: Request URL: Request Method: GET Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error Remote Address: Referrer Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade

    Response Headers: Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 Connection: close Content-Encoding: gzip Content-Length: 20 Content-Type: text/html Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2018 07:15:27 GMT Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT Pragma: no-cache Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Vary: Accept-Encoding X-Powered-By: PHP/

    Request Headers: Accept: application/json, text/javascript, /; q=0.01 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept-Language: es-ES,es;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,de;q=0.7,ca;q=0.6 Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: application/json Cookie: download_token_base=9edc971a-dc9a-23da-e0d7-5b75179a95df; PHPSESSID=9e9fd83c-4e48-a964-9826-5b751750b562 Host: OAuth-Token: 9e9fd83c-4e48-a964-9826-5b751750b562 Referer: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36 X-Metadata-Hash: a2fdc1597c026d75f20518c26719e5e3 X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest X-Userpref-Hash: 0a6586f2a3806d0592927c908239aeac

    Also if I execute the command:'get',SUGAR.App.api.buildURL('Smartlist/setting/logger/debug'),{},{}); I get anr error too:

    /rest/v10/Smartlist/setting/logger/debug 404 (Not Found)

    error: "no_method", error_message: "Could not find a route with 4 elements"} error: "no_method" error_message:"Could not find a route with 4 elements"

    Error 404.png

    I'm sorry but I'm not able to check anything If I get those errors. What could I do?

    Thanks Bea

  3. fhanoun member avatar

    Hi Jon,

    Finally I got to reach the "smart List" via UI, please look at this: 20records.png

    I've executed by url: And there are 20 records. The last 11 records of this table are testings that we've done those two weeks.

    I have inspect the interface and I've seen the button for clearing this table is empty:

    SugarChimp Queued Records _<!--<button class="sc-empty-table" id="sugarchimp">Empty Table-->_

    And I've checked the code and I've seen the clearing of this queue is disabled on the code. Could you explain me the reason? It is right?

    Which would be my next step? Attached the sugarcrm.log trying to send data from SugarCRM to MailChimp by "SQL from SugarChimp":

    _Thu Aug 16 14:10:07 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:SELECT category, name, value, platform FROM config WHERE category = 'sugarchimp' Thu Aug 16 14:10:10 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] SugarChimp:debug:1534421410: SugarChimp_Queue::queue_mailchimp_subscribers table_name: sugarchimp_mc Thu Aug 16 14:10:10 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Contacts Thu Aug 16 14:10:10 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Prospects Thu Aug 16 14:10:10 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Leads Thu Aug 16 14:10:10 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Accounts Thu Aug 16 14:10:10 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Contacts Thu Aug 16 14:10:10 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Prospects Thu Aug 16 14:10:10 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Leads Thu Aug 16 14:10:10 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Accounts Thu Aug 16 14:10:10 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] SugarChimp:debug:1534421410: SugarChimp_Queue::queue_mailchimp_subscribers: batch insert sql: INSERT INTO sugarchimp_mc (id,mailchimp_list_id,data,date_entered,date_modified,deleted) VALUES (UUID(),'e1e28f048d','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','2018-08-16 12:10:05','2018-08-16 12:10:05',0),(UUID(),'e1e28f048d','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','2018-08-16 12:10:05','2018-08-16 12:10:05',0) Thu Aug 16 14:10:10 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:INSERT INTO sugarchimp_mc (id,mailchimp_list_id,data,date_entered,date_modified,deleted) VALUES (UUID(),'e1e28f048d','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','2018-08-16 12:10:05','2018-08-16 12:10:05',0),(UUID(),'e1e28f048d','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','2018-08-16 12:10:05','2018-08-16 12:10:05',0) Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Retrieve SugarChimpMCList: SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = '05874397d2' AND deleted=0 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Limit Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = '05874397d2' AND deleted=0 Start: 0 count: 1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = '05874397d2' AND deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Retrieve SugarChimpMCList: SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = '765b489df2' AND deleted=0 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Limit Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = '765b489df2' AND deleted=0 Start: 0 count: 1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = '765b489df2' AND deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Retrieve SugarChimpMCList: SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = '8812706746' AND deleted=0 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Limit Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = '8812706746' AND deleted=0 Start: 0 count: 1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = '8812706746' AND deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Retrieve SugarChimpMCList: SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'be278cb7a5' AND deleted=0 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Limit Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'be278cb7a5' AND deleted=0 Start: 0 count: 1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'be278cb7a5' AND deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Retrieve SugarChimpMCList: SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'cdb3f31752' AND deleted=0 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Limit Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'cdb3f31752' AND deleted=0 Start: 0 count: 1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'cdb3f31752' AND deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Retrieve SugarChimpMCList: SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'd063c54264' AND deleted=0 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Limit Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'd063c54264' AND deleted=0 Start: 0 count: 1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:11 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'd063c54264' AND deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Retrieve SugarChimpMCList: SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'd19f0bcbf2' AND deleted=0 Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Limit Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'd19f0bcbf2' AND deleted=0 Start: 0 count: 1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'd19f0bcbf2' AND deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Retrieve SugarChimpMCList: SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'e1e28f048d' AND deleted=0 Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Limit Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'e1e28f048d' AND deleted=0 Start: 0 count: 1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'e1e28f048d' AND deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Retrieve SugarChimpMCList: SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'ece48cdd43' AND deleted=0 Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Limit Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'ece48cdd43' AND deleted=0 Start: 0 count: 1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'ece48cdd43' AND deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Retrieve SugarChimpMCList: SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'f5277d7167' AND deleted=0 Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Limit Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'f5277d7167' AND deleted=0 Start: 0 count: 1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'f5277d7167' AND deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Retrieve SugarChimpMCList: SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'fadea88974' AND deleted=0 Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] Limit Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'fadea88974' AND deleted=0 Start: 0 count: 1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:SELECT sugarchimp_mc_list.* FROM sugarchimp_mc_list WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'fadea88974' AND deleted=0 LIMIT 0,1 Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] SugarChimp:debug:1534421412: SugarChimp_List::mark_other_lists_as_deleted: sql: UPDATE sugarchimp_mc_list SET deleted_from_mailchimp=1 WHERE mailchimp_list_id NOT IN ('05874397d2','765b489df2','8812706746','be278cb7a5','cdb3f31752','d063c54264','d19f0bcbf2','e1e28f048d','ece48cdd43','f5277d7167','fadea88974') Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:UPDATE sugarchimp_mc_list SET deleted_from_mailchimp=1 WHERE mailchimp_list_id NOT IN ('05874397d2','765b489df2','8812706746','be278cb7a5','cdb3f31752','d063c54264','d19f0bcbf2','e1e28f048d','ece48cdd43','f5277d7167','fadea88974') Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:SELECT mailchimp_campaign_id, name FROM sugarchimp_mc_campaign Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] SugarChimp:debug:1534421412: SugarChimp_Scheduler_MailchimpListToSugarCRM->run: checking sugarchimp_mc_cleaned_email queue for cleaned emails to process in queue Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:SELECT DISTINCT mailchimp_list_id AS mailchimp_list_id, name AS name FROM sugarchimp_backup_queue Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_ece48cdd43|Contacts Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_ece48cdd43|Prospects Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_ece48cdd43|Leads Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_ece48cdd43|Accounts Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Contacts Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Prospects Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Leads Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Accounts Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_ece48cdd43|Contacts Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_ece48cdd43|Prospects Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_ece48cdd43|Leads Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_ece48cdd43|Accounts Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Contacts Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Prospects Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Leads Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Accounts Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Leads Thu Aug 16 14:10:12 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:DELETE FROM sugarchimp_mc WHERE id='52c4ae26-a14d-11e8-ad47-9ed167c316be' Thu Aug 16 14:10:13 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_e1e28f048d|Leads Thu Aug 16 14:10:13 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:DELETE FROM sugarchimp_mc WHERE id='52c8d61b-a14d-11e8-ad47-9ed167c316be' Thu Aug 16 14:10:13 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_site_url Thu Aug 16 14:10:18 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:SELECT category, name, value, platform FROM config WHERE category = 'sugarchimp' Thu Aug 16 14:10:20 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] SugarChimp:debug:1534421420: SugarChimp_Scheduler_SugarToMailchimp->delete_jobs delete the jobs that we just ran: DELETE FROM sugarchimp WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'ece48cdd43' AND name = 'AddWebhook'

                    ORDER BY date_entered ASC
                    LIMIT 200

    Thu Aug 16 14:10:20 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:DELETE FROM sugarchimp WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'ece48cdd43' AND name = 'AddWebhook'

                    ORDER BY date_entered ASC
                    LIMIT 200

    Thu Aug 16 14:10:20 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] sugarchimp_Setting::retrieve a setting value does not exist for sugarchimp_site_url Thu Aug 16 14:10:22 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:SELECT category, name, value, platform FROM config WHERE category = 'sugarchimp' Thu Aug 16 14:10:22 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] SugarChimp:debug:1534421422: SugarChimp_Scheduler_SugarToMailchimp->delete_jobs delete the jobs that we just ran: DELETE FROM sugarchimp WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'e1e28f048d' AND name = 'AddWebhook'

                    ORDER BY date_entered ASC
                    LIMIT 200

    Thu Aug 16 14:10:22 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:DELETE FROM sugarchimp WHERE mailchimp_list_id = 'e1e28f048d' AND name = 'AddWebhook'

                    ORDER BY date_entered ASC
                    LIMIT 200

    Thu Aug 16 14:10:22 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] SugarChimp:debug:1534421422: SugarChimp_Scheduler_SugarChimpCleanup sql: DELETE FROM sugarchimp_batches WHERE DATE_ADD(date_entered, INTERVAL 7 DAY) < '2018-08-16 12:10:05' Thu Aug 16 14:10:22 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:DELETE FROM sugarchimp_batches WHERE DATE_ADD(date_entered, INTERVAL 7 DAY) < '2018-08-16 12:10:05' Thu Aug 16 14:10:22 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] SugarChimp:debug:1534421422: SugarChimp_Scheduler_SugarChimpCleanup->removed batches from the sugarchimp_batches table. Thu Aug 16 14:10:22 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] SugarChimp:debug:1534421422: SugarChimp_Scheduler_SugarChimpCleanup sql: DELETE FROM sugarchimp_lock WHERE DATE_ADD(date_entered, INTERVAL + CONCAT(0, ':', 5) HOUR_MINUTE) < '2018-08-16 12:10:05' Thu Aug 16 14:10:22 2018 [29728][1][INFO] Query:DELETE FROM sugarchimp_lock WHERE DATE_ADD(date_entered, INTERVAL + CONCAT(0, ':', 5) HOUR_MINUTE) < '2018-08-16 12:10:05' Thu Aug 16 14:10:22 2018 [29728][1][DEBUG] SugarChimp:debug:1534421422: SugarChimp_Scheduler_SugarChimpCleanup->removed records from the sugarchimp_lock table removed._

    I think everything should be rightly configured so I attach the content of config table:



    I hope you can find the issue.

    Thanks a lot Bea

  4. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hello Bea,

    So there are a couple of things going on:

    Firstly, the view you were able to reach is of our smartlist records, not the queue'd items. The SmartList records hold the metadata array for the automated syncing options for each synced Target List, not the actual queue (This works differently between SugarChimp and Smartlist). That's why the clearing of this table is empty.

    To see records queue'd to be checked against your SmartLists, we need to view the SmartList queue page. This is probably a page that has been added on a recent version of SugarChimp that you do not have installed. Can you please update to this latest version for Sugar 7 or 8 here:

    Regarding the config settings, lets update some logger settings to hopefully see what is going on better. Can you run these queries:

    update config set value='debug' where category = 'smartlist' and name = 'logger';

    update config set value='normal' where category = 'sugarchimp' and name = 'logger';

    You can then update your Sugar log level back to 'fatal'. When you put one of our modules into debug mode, it will log our debug logs to Sugar's fatal logs. That way you only get our logs in Fatal, not all of Sugar's debug logs.

    From there, can you try the smartlist_queue page again:

    If that is empty, then we need to go to SugarChimp Configuration > Step 4 and re-save your sync settings. Let those run for a scheduler run and send back over your SugarCRM logs.

    These forums are public, so to keep your data private, please email the SugarCRM logs to

    We will delete this last comment from you that included your logs. Let me know what you find.

    Thanks! Jon

  5. fhanoun member avatar

    Hi Jon,

    Thank you very much for your instructions. I'll try follow every step and I'll write you again with the result.

    Have a nice weekend Regards Bea

  6. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hello Bea,

    That sounds good, and you are welcome. Let me know how it goes.

    Thanks, Jon

  7. fhanoun member avatar

    Good morning Jon,

    It looks like everything works fine :) From last week, we have two list on SugarCRM and they're synced data to MailChimp via SQL.

    I've noticed than the sync happens every hour because the scheduler "SugarChimp - Smartlist" is executed on this frequency. Also I've noticed the sync sends a stack of data every hour and those records are added to MailChimp list automatically.

    I've created two reports on SugarCRM to support my following of added records on MailChimp list and there I can see the block of data every hour:

    SugarCRM report.png

    • Why does it send a stack of data and not the all data?
    • Which is the criteria to get the data stack? Because my SQL creates the main data stack but then the data are synced by blocks. Why?
    • Could you explain me this behaviour, please? It would be great :)

    Thank you very much for your help

    Regards Bea

  8. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hello Bea,

    I will describe this functionality to the best of my ability. The initial sync, when the sql was setup for the Target List should send all of the data across. However, ongoing updates will be queue'd to check if they match filters or not. So only small batches of updates will get sent across each hour based on who was updated. If they no longer match the filters, they will be removed from the list.

    Does this explain what you are seeing?

    Thanks, Jon

  9. fhanoun member avatar

    Hello Jon,

    When the SQL was setup the number of records (leads whose should be sent to MailChimp) was 99 but after the first sync only a few subscribers were sent to MailChimp.
    After the first sync, every hour and everyday the number of subscribers in MailChimp increases. Currently there are 65 subscribers. AudienceisGrowingUp.png

    I have one more example with another Target List. In this case the number of records (result of my SQL) was 35 and the first sync only sent a few of subscribers. Currently this number increases because SugarChimp is sending small batches every hour yet. AnotherTL.png

    In both cases if I check the SQL result (I have created reports in SugarCRM using those SQLs), I can see just a kind of update over those Leads (subscribers) => Modified Date of email field. But checking those email addresses, they haven't been changed just their modified dates have beed changed. Those dates are always 1 minute after the sync to MailChimp so I think is SugarChimp who changes those dates.

    SugarCRM report.png

    It looks like SugarChimp always sends small batches of subscribers or Is there other criteria to get the batch of data? Perhaps, the scheduler is executed every hour but its during is a few minutes, isn't it?

    Thanks!!! Kind regards Bea

  10. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hello Bea,

    This makes perfect sense now, thank you for explaining. Whenever you save a new SQL sync, our schedulers will run and process those filters vs your entire database of Contacts. It grabs 200 records that are not on the List, and adds the appropriate ones to the list. Then, it grabs 200 more and checks those, on and on for about 4 minutes. At the end of the scheduler run, it stops and waits for the next run. In your case, there must be a significant number of records its processing because it's taking a while to process the entire database of Contacts.

    It is made very slow because they are only running once an hour instead of every 5 minutes, as is set by default.

    Once they have all been checked, ongoing updates should happen each hour. Let me know if this sounds like what could be going on in your case.

    Thanks, Jon

  11. fhanoun member avatar

    Hi Jon,

    It explains how the records sync to MailChimp and how the number of records is so low. Now I understand everything :)

    You can close this case because I haven't any other question of this behaviour of the plugin. I would like thank you for your time and help.

    Thank you very much, Jon Kind regards Bea

  12. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    6 years ago

    Hello Bea,

    I'm glad we were able to get that communicated so that you can be successful with the integration. Let me know if anything else comes up, I'm always glad to talk through different scenarios.

    Best Regards, Jon

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