#3978 - Configure SugarChimp to sync our bounces and unsubscribes without syncing any other record information
Hi Guys
We are trying to configure SugarChimp to sync our bounces and unsubscribes without syncing any other record information
After taking a look at this https://fanaticallabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021151672-Advanced-Configuration-Settings we set: subscriber_sync_enabled - Determines if MailChimp can update or create new Sugar records = 0 (Sugar records CANNOT be updated from MailChimp. Unsubscribes and bounces are still updated as expected.)
However, after doing so and performing the below test:
- Created a target list and it synced to MailChimp
- Proceeded to send out a campaign and received it to a test email.
- Hit unsubscribe and it updated MailChimp. However, It did not update Sugar.
When I went to force a sync it produced the below message in Sugar
![2019-01-08 14_07_39.png](https://www.sugaroutfitters.com/assets/img/support/SugarChimp/b7ea1cf9fda3dd03790cb52fb1ad7d82/2019-01-08%2014_07_39.png "2019-01-08 14_07_39.png")
Would you be able to assist us in our configuration of the configuration of SugarChimp to get the desired behaviour?
6 years ago
Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for reaching out. It looks like you may be using an older version of SugarChimp (version 8.0.1a), which may be causing this issue. Can you upgrade to the most recent version and try the process again to see if the unsubscribes update as expected?
You can find more information about updating your version here: https://fanaticallabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360004608392-Update-to-the-latest-version-of-SugarChimp
If it doesn't resolve the issue, can you confirm your webhook in Sugar matches the one in MailChimp? To do this, navigate to the MailChimp list you're syncing and click Settings > Webhooks. Your webhook should show as configured with no errors and match exactly the webhook in your CRM. To find the webhook in your CRM, navigate to Administration > Health Status within the SugarChimp section.
Additionally, can you send a screenshot of your Health Status page (you can send it to support@sugarchimp.com)
Thanks for your help in troubleshooting.
Best, Heidi
6 years ago
Thank you for your prompt response Heidi
Unfortunately, that didn't seem to do the trick, I have forwarded on some further information to support@sugarchimp.com Hopefully, this will assist in driving the investigation
Please let us know if you require anything further
6 years ago
Thanks for sending along those screenshots. It looks like our support article may be incorrect! I'm so sorry for that, but I appreciate you walking through what steps you completed so we could identify the issue. To resolve this, let's turn the subscriber_sync_enabled back on and instead, turn off the webhook_profile_updates. This will allow subscribe/unsubscribe data to be sent to Sugar while not sending back other data related to the user's profile. The calls to run in your console are below:
Please let me know if you encounter any further trouble.
Best, Heidi
5 years ago
Hi Guys
Thanks for that, we made the change and performed a bit of testing Some of it has been resolved but we are still seeing some issues (HTML code being inserted into the Sugar contact etc)
We have set an email to the support address, would you be able to review and let us know what you think?
Thank you
5 years ago
Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for this response. Regarding the HTML code you're seeing. I haven't been able to replicate this issue on my end. Can you send a new email to support@sugarchimp.com with a screenshot of the code you're seeing on your end so I can take a closer look?
If a contact was unsubscribed via email, we would expect that it be removed from Target List and that the email would be marked opted out. To confirm, did it also mark it as opted out, or did it simply remove it from the Target List?
If a contact was marked as Cleaned in Mailchimp, we would expect the email address be removed from Target List and that it be marked as invalid. To confirm, did it simply remove it or did it both remove it and mark it as invalid?
Thanks for your help in troubleshooting.
Best, Heidi
5 years ago
Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for sending that screenshot along. It looks like you may not be on our most recent version. Can you try updating your SugarChimp version to the most recent package? You can download it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tgslq1wz5cvp5w3/SugarChimp-8.2.3-for-Sugar7.zip?dl=0
Additionally, I noticed the screenshot you sent had the email domain of @test.com, which can be flagged by Mailchimp and therefore not updated alongside the rest of the records. Can you tell me if this same issue is happening with other non test accounts?
Once you update your version, can you test the process again and let me know if the HTML coding still appears for you? And if so, can you tell me what steps you're taking so I can try to replicate it from my end? For example, are you creating the account in Sugar without the apostrophe and later editing it to include the apostrophe?
Thanks for your continued help in troubleshooting.
Best, Heidi
5 years ago
Hi Guys
After updating SugarChimp and using a valid email address this HTML code issue is no longer present!
Thanks for your help
Case resolved
5 years ago
Thanks for letting us know this issue is resolved!
Best, Heidi