#4054 - Sugar Target List limit
Hi Guys
We have run into a target list import limit in Sugar, when importing contacts from a report it seems to stop ~19k. This seems to be a known limitation which Sugar suggests the below workaround: https://support.sugarcrm.com/Knowledge_Base/Campaigns_Target_Lists/Populating_Target_Lists_From_Large_Reports/
We would like to try and keep our target lists unified as we have some ~48k contacts to manage.
Have you guys run into this issue at all? Do you have any workarounds you know of that we could employ?
Any hints would be much appreciated
Thank you
5 years ago
Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for reaching out. To clarify, it sounds like you are trying to add contacts to a Target List using the Select from Reports options, as shown here: https://d.pr/free/i/rYoaK2 is that correct?
Besides the workaround suggested by Sugar, you could use out SugarChimp to populate the list automatically with all of your contacts. You can see this option by navigating to Admin > Sync Settings. If you select the list you're syncing and proceed to step 3, you'll can select the second option down, as shown here: https://d.pr/free/i/TGR0f7. With this option, we'd continuously add contacts to the Target List in the background.
If you have various Target Lists going trying to separate contacts, you could then use our Field Mapping features to bring Sugar fields to Mailchimp. Using Mailchimp's segmenting features would enable you to narrow down your list to send campaigns. More information on field mapping and Mailchimp's segmenting features are below:
https://fanaticallabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021123112-Sync-CRM-fields-to-Mailchimp https://mailchimp.com/help/getting-started-with-segments/
Please let me know if you have any further questions!
Best, Heidi