#4065 - Synchro Sugar - MailChimp not done anymore
For one of my client, the Sugar to MailChimp synchronization seems to not run anymore. Sugar version is 8.0.1 Enterprise and SugarCHimp version is 8.0.0d Professionnal The health page looks good, the schedulers are running (status=done, resolution=success), nothing particular in the logs.
As an example, one of the list is 8194 contacts in MailChimp for 15378 in the corresponding Sugar TargetList. When I add a new target in the list manually in Sugar, I don't see this contacts in MailChimp after the synchro has run. If I manually queue a Re-sync of this list through the Health Status page, I see then the new contact in MailChimp.
Why do we have to manually requeue each list?
Kind Regards,
5 years ago
Hi Sylvain,
Thanks for reaching out. We've made some fixes to more recent versions of SugarChimp to the scheduler. Can you update to the newest version and try the process again to see if data is syncing as expected? Information on updating can be found here: https://fanaticallabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360004608392-Update-to-the-latest-version-of-SugarChimp
If that doesn't work, can you navigate to the Health Status page and then change the URL from "/health-status" to "/adminbatches". Click through a few of those recent batches and see if any are showing with errors. If so, download them and send them along so I can take a closer look? You can send them to mailchimp@fanaticallabs.com.
Thanks for your help in troubleshooting.
Best, Heidi