#4204 - Issues getting the Reverse Proxy script to work
Hi team.
I am Lorraine's network engineer - Clayton Lee posting on Lorraine's behalf.
We have our SugarCRM instance behind a firewall with no public access. As such we are trying to implement the reverse proxy script described [on the support site](https://fanaticallabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022146071-Setting-Up-a-Reverse-Proxy) .
I have brought up a fresh Ubuntu install with Apache, PHP and cURL. I ran up a simple PHP page with a cURL script and everything appeared to work fine.
I then uploaded the reverseproxy script as webhook.php, populated a test Mailchimp list with that webhook and sent out a mail shot.
Given I am not a Linux or PHP expert I am only able to do rudimentary troubleshooting. I can see in the Apache logs that Mailchimp initially validated the Webhook page and then was hitting the page when I changed my profile in he email campaign link :
I left the traffic unencrypted over port 80 for now so I could sniff the traffic and see what was going on I ran a packet capture on the Reverse Proxy sever and I can see the post information is coming through correctly:

But I don't see any corresponding traffic leaving the Reverse Proxy server and sending the http request onto the SugarCRM server:

The IP redacted with the black bars is all the same IP - that of the Reverse Proxy server - it never sends a packet to try to initiate comms with the SugarCRM server.
I have copied the PHP file straight into webhook.php:

And I have confirmed that the redacted hostname in webhook.php is resolvable in DNS by the Reverse Proxy Server and have issued curl -k https://crm.xxxxxxxxxx.com/index.php to check that I am not getting blocked by a firewall or anything else and get the expected response of being told to enable Javascript to access Sugar 7.
I expect my problem is with the PHP file - but I am not a PHP coder and don't know where to start. Is there any easy way I can have it log what it is doing to a log file or somesuch so I can work out why it is not firing onwards to my Sugar server?
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago