#4609 - Sync apparently not working + errors in the logs
Hello, We've recently migrated one of our customers from Sugar Pro on premise to Sugar Sell Cloud 11.2. We have also updated the plugin ton the latest version (Sugarchimp 11.0.1 PRO). We were able to setup the sync and the health status shows green everywhere.
However, I have 2 pending lists and 3136 targets/leads/contacts from Sugar to Mailchimp. This has not changed since this morning.
The logs also show errors: Thu Jan 13 16:34:44 2022 [24535][1][FATAL] Job b638d0ae-748e-11ec-8840-0255db297258 (Run Nightly Process Bounced Campaign Emails) failed in CRON run, Call to a member function getHeaders() on null
What is happening?
Thanks in advance, Damien
3 years ago
Hi Damien,
Happy to help. It looks like a cron run failed and it might be helpful to have additional information. Can you put SugarChimp into debug mode and send the logs so I can take a closer look? For privacy purposes you can send these to mailchimp@fanaticallabs.com. The steps to do this are below:
Can you also send a screenshot of the full Health Status page?
Thanks, Heidi
2 years ago
I just wanted to quickly follow up here since we were able to resolve this through email. It looks like some records from a prior list were stuck in the queue. We've cleared the queue and confirm that data is moving to Mailchimp as expected. If anyone else experiences this issue, please feel free to reach out to us at mailchimp@fanaticallabs.com with a copy of the Health Status page and we can troubleshoot as needed.
Let us know if you have any further trouble!
2 years ago
Hello, Thanks for your great and prompt support, we were able to "unclog" our sync queue. Grear work! Damien