#966 - Adding entire database to list
How can I add the entire CRM database to one list? Everytime I view 'Contacts' or 'Leads' Im only able to select 20 at a time unless I scroll down multiple times and hit 'More Contacts'. Even then I am limited on the total number of contacts I select.
10 years ago
Hi Brady, if you want to add all of your Contacts or Leads at once, you can go to the Reports module and create a Report that contains all Contacts. Then go to your Target List and use the "Import from Report" button. It will allow you to import whatever contacts show up on the report. You will need to do the same thing for the Leads module.
Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks!
10 years ago
Can you give further guidance on where I should see "Import from Report' when under 'Target List'
10 years ago
If you go to your Target List and scroll down to the Contacts section, click the down arrow to the right and you should see the "Select from Reports" button. Here's a screenshot of it https://www.dropbox.com/s/nfihf2dzn0dzz7h/Screenshot%202014-11-24%2015.40.53.png?dl=0
9 years ago
Hi Brady, were you able to get it all worked out? Thanks!
9 years ago
Hi again, I'm going to close this case for now. Leave a new comment or create a new case if you need anything else. Thanks!