#1806 - Field mask not working on stock Street Address field
Hello. I just purchased and installed this, and while most field masks are working as expected, I notice the upper_case mask I added to the Primary Street Address field is not working. It works on the Primary State field just fine. I already tried clearing cache and running quick repair & rebuild.
This is unfortunate because it's one of the main field I wanted to force formatting on. Why isn't it working as expected? Is it because this field is a textArea field? I figured it would work because it's listed an available field in the module's UI.
Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks.
9 years ago
Any update on this?
9 years ago
Hello Freddy,
The field Primary Street Address is not available to set up a mask for. I tried the Contacts module but It should be the same for the Leads module. Did you change the type of the Primary Street Address field for your module?
Best regards, Synolia Support
9 years ago
No, I never changed the type. It's showing as a textArea field in Studio. I don't even think I have that ability to change the type, as primary_address_street is a stock Sugar field.
4 months ago
Hello, do you have any update on this adresse street ?