#3306 - Unable to get working with Ent 7.9
Hi, despite claiming this works with Ent 7.9, we have been completely unable to install.
_**_**__**Here are some comments from our customer:
We performed a fresh install rule out the possibility that our custom code could interfere with the module, then started dissecting the code and found that it was failing because it could not load this file: include/parsecsv.lib.php
However, this file lives only on community edition. Anyway copying this file from a community edition at least got us a login prompt but still no meetings synchronising which suggest that there might be some other dependencies from community edition, however, I did not have enough time to dissect further.
As a quick test I tried installing this on latest suitecrm which is sugarcrmCE and all worked like a charm.
I really cant understand how they can claim that it works on sugar 7.9
My only explanation would be someone had a CE then upgraded to sugar commercial version. (As i know from my experience during upgrades sugar leaves unnecessary files behind rather than clean them up) so they had a commercial sugar with some leftover lib files from CE that opacus requires and this way it worked.**__
Have you tested this module with a fresh 7.9 Enterprise system?
Thanks, Sugabyte
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