by Dreamer Technologies

Asterisk Integration allows click-to-call functionality, inbound/outbound call logs, call notification pop-ups and more to work seamlessly with any SugarCRM module, so your sales and support teams can effectively launch, track and manage customer communications.

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#4309 - Installation Failure

Closed Installation created by dmorgan 5 years ago

Attempted to install module package but was met with this error:

Installation failed!

The package you are attempting to install does not conform to the policies established within the Sugar Open Cloud or by your system administrator.

Sugar Open Cloud customers must obtain a new package from the package provider that addresses the issues described below. If you are running Sugar locally, you can relax your Module Loader restrictions to allow the package to be installed.

  1. melissaradabaugh member avatar


    5 years ago

    Good Morning, I also just tried to upload this package and received the same error.

    • dreamertechs-primary-contact member avatar

      Dreamer Technologies

      4 years ago

      Hello melissaradabaugh, I just replied to the case #4309, which is also applicable to you as well.

      You can apply for refund is you have already paid for the plugin.

  2. dreamertechs-primary-contact member avatar

    Dreamer Technologies

    4 years ago

    Hello Dan Morgan, Unfortunately Our Asterisk Integration With SugarCRM currently not supported with Sugar Open Cloud. There are several reasons behind that. One of the major reason is there must ne NodeJS installed on the server where SugarCRM is running, And and the webuser (e.g apache2) must have permissions to exevute a NodeJS Express Server. Withour this integratin will not work.

    You can apply for refund is you have already paid for the plugin.

    Other than this plugin, we have some more plugins for SugarCRM developed by Dreamer Technologies.

  3. jdamaso member avatar


    3 years ago

    Same problem with my installation.

    Ther is a current solution

  4. jdamaso member avatar


    3 years ago

    There is a solution? perhaps is a non solvable problem?

    • dreamertechs-primary-contact member avatar

      Dreamer Technologies

      3 years ago

      Hi jdamaso,

      Thanks for connecting us...!

      May i know your CRM is hosted on SugarOnDemand or not?

      If It's installed in the SugarOnDemand cloud then the plugin is not able to support in SugarCloud. One of the major reason is there must be NodeJS installed on the server where SugarCRM is running, And the web user (e.g apache2) must have permissions to execute a NodeJS Express Server. Without this integration will not work.


      Team Dreamer Technologies.

    • jdamaso member avatar


      3 years ago

      Thanks por your answer.

      In such case, we must quit the trial and cancel our subscription. There is a procedure to accomplish this?

      Best regards.

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