#3831 - SugarCRM Ondemand 8.0.0 failed upgrade to 8.1.0
Our customer is using Dashboard Copy Manager 1.7.0 and the upgrade to 8.1.0 has failed the health check. In the past we have uninstalled the plugin then reinstalled the plugin after upgrade but we are going to see 4 updates a year from SugarCRM can you please investigate issue and correct? Not viable for us to remove the plugin every quarter to update SugarCRM.
This is part of the email we received from SugarCRM support.
I am reaching out because a recent attempt to schedule your SugarCRM
on-demand instance ‘instancename.sugarondemand.com’ for an upgrade
failed due to the following health check bucket F items:
[2018-08-09T21:35:43+00:00] BUCKET => F: 1 total
[2018-08-09T21:35:43+00:00] BUCKET => F: [Issue
1][incompatIntegration][517][Incompatible Integration -
DashboardCopyManagerSugar7 1.70] [2018-08-09T21:35:44+00:00] INFO *** START
This link was supplied for troubleshooting. http://support.sugarcrm.com/Knowledge_Base/Installation_Upgrade/Troubleshooting_Health_Check_Output/index.html
6 years ago
6 years ago