by Jackal Software

Allow users to quickly and easily share filters to other users. Admin users can create templates of filters from multiple users to deploy to users, teams, or roles.

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#4109 - Error when deploying Filters to teams in V9 enterprise

In Progress Bug? created by Johng 5 years ago

Getting the following error when trying to deploy filters to teams. We are on V9 Enterprise edition:

![Capture.PNG]( "Capture.PNG")

  1. namcorp member avatar

    Jackal Software Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Hello John.

    Thanks for reporting this. I'll look into it today. Would you mind please exporting the Sugarlog so I can see if there is any information that is helpful in my debugging? Please email to

    You can export this in Admin->Diagnostic Tool Administration » SugarCRM - Commercial Open Source CRM 2019-05-08 10-49-50.png

    Thank you very much

    • Johng member avatar


      5 years ago

      I tried to send you the zip file by email but it failed. Is there a specific file you need and how can I get it to you?

      Quick sales question as well: In your Dashboard Deployer module and Filter Deployer, if we deploy either via teams and then add someone to the teams later, will they have the Dashboard and filters deployed to them?

      Thanks! John

    • namcorp member avatar

      Jackal Software Provider Affiliate

      5 years ago


      I should have predicted the error on the zip. You can use to share the file. Just email me the link you get after uploading please.

      For your other question dashboards are not automatically deployed to new users added to a team or role once they are added. I looked into doing this but found it a bit risky for cases when users are apart of multiple teams. Thinking about it again though it may be a good idea to have as an option.

      Thanks a lot John

  2. namcorp member avatar

    Jackal Software Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Thank you. I received the files and will let you know what I find out.

  3. namcorp member avatar

    Jackal Software Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Hello John,

    Thanks for the logs. I was able to find the error and I have uploaded a new version (1.6) that is now ready. Could you please uninstall 1.5 and install the new version at your convenience. Please let me know if you run into any issues.

    One issue I am still working through during the installation is it seems a Rebuild Relationships is required after the installation of the package. I'll be building this into the installation but for now simply navigate to Admin->Repair then Rebuild Relationships after installation.

    I updated the installation documentation to reflect this:

    Thanks again for your patience and being a customer.

  4. Johng member avatar


    5 years ago

    I have the license key but not the account information to download the new version (our CEO is out of town). Is there another place we can get the download?


  5. Johng member avatar


    5 years ago

    When we delete, are we suposed to remove tables?

    • namcorp member avatar

      Jackal Software Provider Affiliate

      5 years ago

      In this case it won’t matter but select no.

  6. Johng member avatar


    5 years ago

    All loaded up and everything seems to be working great. Thank you for your help and quick response. We will be trialing your Dashboard Copy Manager soon as well. I really would appreciate you considering the addition of this functionality of: if we deploy a template either filter or Dashboard to a team and then later add a member to that team, have them automatically be assigned those templates.

    Thanks again,


  7. namcorp member avatar

    Jackal Software Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Thanks for the update John. I will definitely look into the automatic updating. I have a few other updates and features I'm building into other products right now but I'll put this on my roadmap.

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