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#1196 - No google auth credentials saved for userID

Closed Bug? created by gbijkersparks 9 years ago
Hey, Our sync has stopt and we get the following message in the logfiles: 03/04/15 14:46:02 [4600][1][FATAL] STARTED: Calendar sync: admin( 03/04/15 14:46:02 [4600][1][FATAL] GOOGLE-TO-SUGAR 03/04/15 14:46:02 [4600][1][FATAL] No google auth credentials saved for userID : 1 03/04/15 14:46:02 [4600][1][FATAL] Job eb416abf-a85e-920c-2b9f-54f70c3fc828 (GSync- Calendar) failed in CRON run When I test the connection to Google I get the pop-up with the message 'Successfull'. Can you please assist us to get this working again? Kind Regards, Gavin Bijker-Sparks
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    Info@Rolustech Verified Purchase

    9 years ago

  2. rolustech-primary-contact member avatar

    Info@Rolustech Verified Purchase

    9 years ago

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