by Rolustech

Boost your SugarCRM with seamless Google integration. Sync contacts, meetings, and Drive files. Streamline workflows and elevate productivity.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#4489 Remove references to RT GSync after uninstall thorugh Module Loader - Can you tell us how to clean up some phantom code from RTSync after we have uninstalled it? Is it sa WebWorkz Closed Installation
#4459 Unsubscribe - Hi, I'd like to unsubsribe from RT-Gsync but I don't find the way. Thanks in advance sistemas7 Closed General Question
#4249 New User Not Able to Connect - Got to the installation part of the process where you give permission to rt gsync in google. Nothing merhart1 Closed Bug?
#4239 New user not syncing - Hi, We've installed the module, entered the license and activated a user. We've grante sistemas7 Closed Bug?
#4179 Affectation of SugarBPM - We are testing GSync on a Sugar Enterprise ondemand instance. Syncing both ways between google ca sandraarango Closed Bug?
#4169 3.8 Patch - Hello, We are currently on version 3.7.1 after a patch from 3.1 last year. Is there a patch for v Gotcha Covered Closed Installation
#4124 Issues sync Google calendar - SuiteCRM Version: 7.10.7 RT GSync version: 3.8.0 The module has been successfully installed and gabriells1234 Closed General Question
#4079 New user not syncing - Hi, can you verify our RT Sync order 12447 is active. We are having troubles with our users and acti Mark Westerhoff Closed Bug?
#4016 "[CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response) - Please check your settings and try again. " - When creating the GSuite email connection ( to sugarCRM it always shows the error in the rr Closed Installation
#3972 RT GSync 3.2 download link - Hi, Can I please have a link to download v3.2? We have a Sugarcrm instance on which ha Uchechi Closed Installation
#3897 Calendar not syncing - Calendar is not syncing in either direction. The scheduler is running. I have set up and tested the johnmcgeechan Closed Bug?
#3875 Please advise - We have been in contact via email with your support team and nothing has been resolved. We are stil marketing13 Closed Bug?
#3855 Data not available - Hi Guys, each time I click on License configuration it says "Data is not available. Page does marketing13 Closed Installation
#3840 Can't connect to google accounts - Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app This app has not yet been verified by Google helgi Closed Bug?
#3838 Remove payment - Hi! I want remove my payment zz Closed Feature
#3830 Licensed Users Number Missing & Error in Logs - I just recently installed RT Sync on SugarCRM 8.0.1 (viewing on Chrome 68 on MacOS High Sierra) and DavidAhearn Closed Bug?
#3812 Google said "This app has not been verified yet by Google in order to use Google Sign In." - When I tried to authenticate my google account it shows me this message. ![Screenshot_1.png](https: KateM Closed Bug?
#3795 Is there a way to eliminate the prefix "Meeting:" in synced events on Google Calendar - We are using RTsync to sync events that are not meetings. We have changed the name of the Meetings m andy3 Closed General Question
#3768 Trying to install RT GSync but getting error message - I am working on Sugar 8.0 enterprise and i download the zip file (8.0) but when i try to install the hshatouhy Closed Installation
#3726 Cannot install RT Gsync - Hi I'm trying to install GSync to my sugarCRM. My current version 7.6 the file plugin I dow carlos1 Closed Bug?
#3719 Gmail password field not present? - Hi, trying to install SuiteCRM 7.10.5 with RT GSync 3.7.1. When editing the layout of the Users p Campbell Closed Bug?
#3625 GSync issue with boby of emails - We are in discuss with GSync app, Rolustech company due to fix this issue and they wrote to us that AMD TELECOM GMBH Closed Bug?
#3554 GSync not synchronizing - Hello, after upgrading customer's instance to version Professional, we installed plu danieljestrab Closed Installation
#3485 After installing plugin access is lost for all users - Hi, Urgent issue. Wanted to try out this plugin but lead to serious problem. Installed the pl jonborgas Closed Bug?
#3480 Not compatible for Sugar 7.10 - Productive Instance Down - Hello Rolustech Support Team, we have a very big issue for one of our customers productive instan kinamu Closed Bug?
#3453 Not compatible for Sugar Version 7.10 - I tried to install RT_GSync_Sugar7V3.7 and SugarCRM reacted with an "Error". Do you have parasolisland Closed Installation
#3449 Gsync module issue & version mismatch - We are having trouble with the latest version of the Gsync module, we have installed it from Sugar O FieldForceSolutions Closed Bug?
#3415 Problems with Plugin on SugarCRM OnDemand instance - Hello, I've installed the Plugin on a SugarCRM on Demand Instance, Sugar Vanilla Ent kinamu Closed Bug?
#3392 RT GSynch - Calendar (only) - Hi i use only this job to synch Google iN the user RT GSynch Preference i have : Sugar and Sugar T COFAMEK Closed Bug?
#3388 Issues with sync working - Hello, I have installed GT RSync on my sugarcrm deployment Community Edition 6.5. I have followed th dixontwamley Closed Installation
#3382 Syncing Sugar Docs with Google drive - How? - Hi, I have installed your module on a Sugar Enterprise 7.8.2 system. I have configured everythin mhoffmann Closed Bug?
#3299 google calendar - calendar scheduling is not syncing either way DanielRamirez Closed Installation
#3278 Please connect with me on teamviewer and get this plugin working. My email is and same goes for google hanoguts id - Please connect with me on teamviewer and get this plugin working. My email is calimarketinggroup@gma tonyinla Closed Bug?
#3255 Does this work with Sugar Enterprise version - Does this work with Sugar Enterprise version al Closed General Question
#3235 Does this work with IMAP Calendars? - I know this is designed for Google. But I thought I would ask if this tool (or any other that you m Sugabyte Closed General Question
#3217 Ugrade Sugar 7.9 - Hello, we would like to upgrade our Enterprise instance from version to When p danieljestrab Closed Installation
#3199 I'm not an administrator - I'm not an administrator so I'll have to work with other tools usa Closed Installation
#3079 Calendats don't sync at all! - I follow and the calendars don support Closed Bug?
#3066 SuiteCRM - I Installed and followed instruction but calendar does not wor. Sync not working, please help louismonex Closed Bug?
#3029 Email with case tag in subject [Case #786] - If the email subject contains a case macro tag, does it get linked to the Case as well as the contac ViniciusAssis Closed General Question
#3003 Does it support SuiteCRM 7.7.8? - Version 7.7.8 Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Build 509) support Closed General Question
#2991 Can't connect to Google - I have installed the module, authorised a user and entered their Google username and password but ca cambridgepicture Closed Bug?
#2979 Double the price?? - Hi, we used to pay $5 per month per user - the price has now doubled to $9.99 - may we ask why? FieldForceSolutions Closed General Question
#2923 Are changes synced? - Hello, Will modifications to synced entries be synced as well? So if a user creates a new meeting Miska Closed General Question
#2893 RT GSync - Email Sync - Hi, I installed the trial version of RTGSync and have it configured for contacts and email sync. yale Closed General Question
#2867 Subscription expired? - We have the error: Your subscription has expired. Once you update your payment info the charge w FieldForceSolutions Closed General Question
#2774 gsync not working - Hi, i am sorry but after using your installation and gsync guide (ver 6) it not working and nothing ivanomino Closed Bug?
#2755 Some CRM contacts do not synchronize with Google - Hello, some (not all) of my CRM contacts do not synchronize to in Gmail contacts and thus I can&# JiÅ™í Papánek Closed Bug?
#2748 Error on Install - Fail Package Scan - Hello, trying to install RT GSync version 7 for On Demand (Sugar 7.7 Enterprise), and receiving the sarah2 Closed Installation
#2685 Feature - I have a question or a suggest, I have google sync to suitecrm, I wunder about it could be possiple tagedani Closed Feature
#2659 Contacts not syncing - Hello, contact sync to google stopped working, this error is in the log: Wed Nov 2 10:15:12 2 petrlouzecky Closed Bug?
#2654 Gmail multiple calendars sync - Hello, I am looking for an addon/plugin for Sugar CRM CE that allows double way sync with googl ginaOzar Closed General Question
#2653 Teams/Created By - Is there a way to make it so the person that's calendar is synced up to the respective sugar ac benteamaquafix Closed Bug?
#2631 Syncing content from other accounts. - I'm not sure this is a SugarOutfitters issue but I just got RT GSync working with SuiteCRM and greg1 Closed Bug?
#2629 Was working, now it's not (suite 7.3.1) - Was working, but we also had issues with the CRON Job using up all the server resources and halting robert2 Closed Bug?
#2621 RT Gsync didn't work on SuiteCRM 7.7.6 - We are trying to SuiteCRM GSync RT 7.7.6 and does not work. The log suitecrm.log has multiple errors agonzalez Closed Installation
#2598 Undefined index: entry in /var/www/...../public_html/custom/include/Google/ContactHelper.php on line 30 - As soon as I enabled google to "Google to Sugar" I started receiving the following via ema greg1 Closed Bug?
#2596 Billing issue? - What is going on? I just saw a 15 charge in my account. Is there a place I can get my balance for Fenix Net Solutions Closed Bug?
#2574 Administrator has disabled GSync for this user, contact administrator to enable it. - Same things as the others. I don't have a dev site made for this, but its okay to update her Fenix Net Solutions Closed Bug?
#2573 Administrator has disabled GSync for this user, contact administrator to enable it. - Same issue as with Shaffer Web. I validated the license key and now getting this error again. And Fenix Net Solutions Closed Bug?
#2572 Administrator has disabled GSync for this user, contact administrator to enable it. - Yesterday there was a notice to validate the license. I did that and ran a repair. Now I'm Fenix Net Solutions Closed Bug?
#2571 Outstanding Issues - There are still notices displaying on the schedulers page. Also, I went to change the user for th Fenix Net Solutions Closed Bug?
#2564 Blocked mix content resolved, however... - Hey guys, I sent in a ticket yesterday about the JavaScript error ![Screen Shot 2016-10-04 at tabdelmonem Closed Bug?
#2563 Cannot Validate - Hey guys, I was told by my devops that I would have to reinstall on another server. Everything wa tabdelmonem Closed Bug?
#2493 cron errors & info from other google account syncing - Hi I installed RT Gsync a month ago and just realized that I didn't have cron setup properly. I greg1 Closed Bug?
#2491 Sync not Working - One of our users sync stopped working. i have double checked that the password and email entered in benteamaquafix Closed Bug?
#2490 Cannot add users to GSync - Hello, we cannot add users to the Gsync configuration. We drag and drop them to the enabled list, s provalida Closed Bug?
#2477 Administrator has disabled GSync for this user, contact administrator to enable it. - I am getting this error: Administrator has disabled GSync for this user, contact administrator to en Fenix Net Solutions Closed Bug?
#2474 Need to change my license - Hi, I am a developer of a customized sugarcrm version that I am reselling to several different cl Fenix Net Solutions Closed Bug?
#2450 Does not reliably download calendar - Initial Calendar schedule run Fri Aug 26 18:10:27 2016 [16478][1][FATAL] Meeting: Workout with id b jason5 Closed Bug?
#2446 SuiteCRM wont let me upload the plugin - Suitecrm gives me the following error when trying to upload the plugin : ZIP Error(0): Status(9): deepti Closed Bug?
#2442 Error 400 Error: invalid_request - Hello, I'm currently using the free trial of RT GSync with a new installation of SuiteCRM 7.7.2 jason5 Closed Bug?
#2439 Google "account" case from contacts is not synced to suitecrm - Hello, the account field is not synced at all from google to suitecrm. is this a bug? https://s Rafael Closed Bug?
#2432 New User - We have a new employee who needs this integration. I cannot get his calendars to sync to each other. benteamaquafix Closed Installation
#2427 How do I assign one contact within suitecrm to several suitecrm users which all have their own gmail accounts - Hello, I hope You understand the question. The installation and connection with a suitecrm use Rafael Closed General Question
#2421 Free Trial Cancellation - Hello, I would like to cancel our free trial as we have found another synchronization plugin more danieljestrab Closed Installation
#2406 Automatic Syncing of emails from Gmail with SugarCRM - Hi, We're currently using SugarCRM and use gmail as our main email service.. Would this ext clifford.galea Closed General Question
#2395 Quit the subscription - I want cancel the subscription because not using sugar any more. Tks Renato renato Closed General Question
#2372 Instructions for install of your app to SugarCRM CE 6.5 do jive with what you show - I really tried a couple of times do the install. When it comes to the part of using Studio what I s tomtuson Closed Installation
#2352 one way sync - I'm running the trial of version 6 on Suite 7.6.5 (comp with sugar 6.5.23), and i've got c jr Closed Installation
#2344 Configuration problem - We had installed for the user , but not able to see the configuration page as mentioned what needs t msh Closed Feature
#2325 RT GSync Users Configuration - Blank Page - -> http://sugar.oflan cloudsupport Closed Bug?
#2319 Not syncing emails - Hi, I'm not sure what has happened with this. It used to work and now it doesn't. I g Fenix Net Solutions Closed Bug?
#2306 Job status running - GSync- Contacts works fine every 5 min. GSync- Calendar have a job status "running" every jaume Closed Installation
#2283 Meetings Not Coming Over - One of our users is not having his meetings coming over. from Sugar to Google Calendar. benteamaquafix Closed Feature
#2260 Invitees created as contacts even if they are CRM users - Hi, Using Sugar 6.5CE. We discovered that some contacts we created automatically and even aft houlejo Closed Bug?
#2177 Blank screen - Hi, I have just downloaded a free trial Gsyunc for SuiteCRM. After installing the module, when I enric Closed Bug?
#2163 Cancel Subscription Please - I just cant get it to work. I finally got collabspot to work so I will stick with that. Please can jeverettbugg Closed Installation
#2162 Error running cron.php for the first time - Installed GSync and when I ran cron.php (via command line) for the first time I got this error, and antonioribeiro Closed Bug?
#2161 FAKE VERSION COMPATIBILITY - Hi , You stated that this app is compatible from 6.5.7 up to 7.7 We installed this app over ic Closed Bug?
#2160 Can't validate Rt GSync on on new SuiteCRM instance - Hi there, I would like to trial RT GSync but after I install, enter the license key and click on fullperspectivephotography Closed Bug?
#2146 Sent folder not syncing from Gmail - I have everything else working fine with RT Gsync, all of my inbox syncs both ways. If I send from S Ventive_Dan Closed Bug?
#2134 Please cancel my trial - The product does not sync emails to opportunities and that is key for me. Thanks, Prem prem Closed General Question
#2074 How do I cancel my subscription - Hi there. Can you please tell me how to go about cancelling my subscription. I had a trial for one u kenhickling Closed General Question
#2064 RT GSYNC Demo Period - Hi, We've had some problems (and still have) installing RT GSYNC within our SuiteCRM (beta i pmooibroek Gsync Closed Installation
#2062 Tasks syncing - Hello. Syncing is working great with every feature except Tasks. Currently creating a task in Suga Rising Fall Closed Installation
#2058 Installed fine. Schedules running every 5 minute. No sync to Google either way - Can you please provide me some indication of why this is happening? Is there something I have to d prem Closed Installation
#2057 Download - Can you send a link that actually works to download the plug in. Your link on the installation guid Rising Fall Closed Installation
#2041 no popup to grant the module permission to interact with Google. - What do i do to fix this. It said that support will help with this. chris10 Closed Bug?
#2040 Suitecrm 7.5 - Cant get anything to sync. Can someone look at my configuration. like a remote session to verify th chris10 Closed Bug?
#2039 Installed everything correctly, but not syncing in calanders - Hello There, I have installed everything correctly, i am using suite crm. Although my callender i jwoodruff Closed Bug?
#1957 Version V3.1.03 - Is there any way I can get version 3.1.03 and not 3.1.03d? Thank you. Gotcha Covered Closed Bug?
#1909 setting up RT GSync - Hi there, I just need a little assistance in setting up RT GSync in our Sugar Instance. We use C kenhickling Closed Installation
#1908 Email sync for known contacts only? - Can we set this to create email entries in SugarCRM for known contacts where the email address match harkijas Closed General Question
#1870 Nothing sync - YI have just installet the tryal, I will se about it works, and then I will buy for 3 users, and mai tagedani Closed Bug?
#1829 Installation issues - I installed the Gsync plugin today and ran into some issues. We started getting an error 500 when adrian Closed Bug?
#1814 Can't get until point 5 and 6 in Sugar7 user guide - Hi, we successfully installed your product on an on-demand sandbox. We tried set the Gmail Id and imrepolonkai Closed General Question
#1805 RT GSync: successfully installed, gmail account verified, email account configured, etc, But still not fully 100% working... - Hello guys. Yesterday I completed Installation, and followed both manuals (Installation + User gu soportetecnico Closed Installation
#1787 Sugar says they will not be able to support the package on their new servers - Please see message below from Sugar. They will not be able to support the package on their new serv wayne1 Closed Bug?
#1764 Not working on all calendars - Why does it seem to work on some accounts, but not all of our users? Everything has been set up cor wayne1 Closed General Question
#1728 Sugar Roles - My sales reps are in a role specifically for them. Do I have to adjust the RT GSYNC role restrictio wayne1 Closed General Question
#1716 auth error - Getting the following error in log. Fri Nov 6 16:38:02 2015 [25438][1][FATAL] Import user Email sdp0024 Closed General Question
#1713 License Key not validating - I have installed the plugins but cannot get the key validated. I've hit 'renew' seve Fenix Net Solutions Closed Bug?
#1695 Cannot Stop the Contact Sync - I have deactivated the Contact Sync but it is still syncing my contacts from Google to Sugar. Can yo kaitlinostler Closed Bug?
#1671 Removing activities from SugarCRM - Hi there We are trialling RT GSync. Its good for my sales reps, but I synced up my calendar, & jasonsadler Closed General Question
#1665 Installed but it does not appear to be syncing - I installed it onto my instance of sugar and added my Gmail information in my profile. I tested the kaitlinostler Closed Installation
#1641 Nothing happening - Hi, I installed as you describe in both manual (instalation and user) and nothing happening in m eduardo Closed Bug?
#1626 RT GSync not working, localhost - It seems like I followed the instructions for install and config. Got the popup to grant the module fastmoves Closed Bug?
#1612 Accounts not showing up - Hello, I've installed the RT SalesMap according to the instructions and my accounts are not raysparks Closed Bug?
#1607 Install Error after installing site version adding gmail info hit test and it switches screen - Install Error after installing site version adding gmail info hit test and it switches screen? Al scottkramer Closed Installation
#1606 getting issue when first installing and trying to save user email/passwd - getting issue when first installing and trying to save user email/passwd tested successfully then t phil1 Closed Bug?
#1605 getting issue when first installing and trying to save user email/passwd - getting issue when first installing and trying to save user email/passwd tested successfully then t phil1 Closed Bug?
#1569 Trouble installing - I have attempted to install this addon multiple times now, would really like this to work for our te cnddev Closed Installation
#1542 Issues in SuiteCRM 7.3 - I have installed RT GSync On-site version over Suite CRM 7.3 and set up link with a Google Apps for davidfarrell Closed Bug?
#1533 Can get it to work - I have 2 users , Daniel and Julia. In the Config section where you can choose the user to activate i info51 Closed Bug?
#1528 Not syncing contacts either way - Hello, We have been testing the plug-in for one of our customers, we have set it up and ensure th Thomas_Enable Closed Bug?
#1500 Include Sugar Link to Account/Lead in Meeting in Google Calendar - Hi there, when I create a meeting for a lead or account it syncs to Google Calendar. Is it possi mk Closed Bug?
#1487 Calendar sync not functioning - My calendar sync stopped working again. I need some support to figure out what the fix is. My Skype jeffyoung Closed Bug?
#1476 No pop-up when installing RT GSync even when pop-up blocking disabled/off (SuiteCRM 7.1.5) - Followed the installation instructions and yet still does not behave properly, meaning syncing does prondina Closed Installation
#1427 When deleted on Google Calendar Sugar is not updated. - When I delete a meeting on google calendar the appointment is not deleted in the sugar calendar. benjamin1 Closed Bug?
#1424 Error: invalid_request - Missing required parameter: redirect_uri - Hi, when I edit my profile, enter my Google credentials and then click save I get redirected to mk Closed Bug?
#1419 Locks up SugarCRM Pro - Per Sugar support, "I was able to reproduce the login issue. I did some testing and I was able steve6 Closed Bug?
#1412 Repair and Rebuild on install but on Refresh nothing happens. - Hi, When I add my key it takes me to a screen to do a repair and rebuild. I do that and then refresh benjamin1 Closed Bug?
#1399 RT GSync Doesn't Work - I installed the OnSite v6 version of the module and the RT Sync doesn't show in my user setting scattergood Closed Bug?
#1390 Sync Time Interval - Hey Guys, What is the Sync Interval for for the RT GSync, it seems to be a few minutes. How ca jons1 Closed General Question
#1377 PHP error crashed out instance - We were unable to log on to Sugar this morning. I opened a ticket with them and they said it was th BloomSquared Closed Bug?
#1359 calender sync options greyed out - I installed RT Gsync on SugarCRM 6.5.20 on site without problem. Sync is running. However, I am not jpt Closed Installation
#1349 RT Gsync connection issue - Does not appear to be syncing my calendar. When I go into my profile, edit and hit "Test Conne BloomSquared Closed Bug?
#1327 gSync not showing sent emails originating from Gmail - GSync is syncing down my contacts, but not emails. I tried to send an email from Gmail (user 1) t wgardner Closed Installation
#1320 Gsync not working - I am using sugar community edition- Gsync is not working. Installation went okay and I was able to t vravindran Closed Installation
#1313 Installation on SuiteCRM - Installation on SuiteCRM does not seem to work? Installed for version sugar 6 Contacts are not syn Paul7 Closed Installation
#1295 This tool does not work - I already installed an configured on my user. I have a successful test connection but my meetings juandavid Closed Bug?
#1292 404 Not Found error - Gsync - SuiteCRM - I recently installed Google Sync and while the install appears to have been successful I've rea josh1 Closed Bug?
#1286 Google Calender Sync won't work - Hi! Installed RTGSync without problems. I think i have done all settings correctly, Checked all Kloiber Closed Bug?
#1281 Cancel Trial - Hi there, I wish to cancel my trial. Could you please advise how to do this? New Age Veneers Closed Installation
#1261 Meetings Being Deleted - We are having a new issue with this plugin. We have not changed or updated the plugin. We believ CR Dev Closed Bug?
#1235 Recurring Meeting with No End - I am giving the Gmail and Google Sync a test run. Install went smoothly and I have activated the lturner Closed Bug?
#1213 Setting up Cron - Hi, I am trying to install your add-on on my AWS instance (bitnami). I installed the module and I abbas Closed Installation
#1211 Gsynch still wont work..... - Hi! Despite starting a new trial, getting a new Validation key and spending, must have been an ho admin6 Closed General Question
#1209 New Validation Key for Free Trial - What next? - Hi! Right, I have set us up for a new trial and have a new validation key - can someone please guide admin6 Closed General Question
#1207 GSynch Issue - Why its not working - Hi! After spending a while with Maria @ Rolustech, investigating why our Gmail synch isnt working wi FieldForceSolutions Closed General Question
#1196 No google auth credentials saved for userID - Hey, Our sync has stopt and we get the following message in the logfiles: 03/04/15 14:46:02 [4 gbijkersparks Closed Bug?
#1187 Help getting Gsync working with Sugar 7 - Hey Guys, Wanting to get this up and running with sugar 7 so I can trial before purchase, have th jons1 Closed Bug?
#1182 Request for Live Support - I am trying to get my configuration correct and I can't get it. I am trying to sychronize my c jbarisonzi Closed Feature
#1154 Evaluation - Dear Sirs, we are evaluating Gmail and Google Sync to synch incomming and outgoing gmail email janmantkowski Closed General Question
#1146 Every step followed exactly - still not syncing - I've followed every step precisely for sugarondemand 7 and when i create a calendar item in sug mikeg Closed Bug?
#1141 Sync isn't working - We have installed and set up the module but are unable to sync anything. Here is the error log: TJP Closed Bug?
#1132 G-Sync doesn't seem to work - Hey, I installed gmail-sync without any problems moet it doens't seem to work. I don't gbijkersparks Closed Bug?
#1096 Gmail Contacts syncing but Acitivities don't - Hi, when I create a meeting on Sugar the meetings are not syncing with Google Calendar, but Contacts tmattos Closed Bug?
#1092 Gmail Outbound Messages Not Synced - We have contacts and calendar syncing configured, and email is working well for the most part. Ho abtdoug Closed General Question
#1075 Gmail and Google sync - Don't seem to get the license key validated Paul7 Closed Installation
#1070 Not validating key - scott1 Closed Bug?
#1065 GSync is not working - I just installed and configured GSync per the instructions but nothing is being synced. I have verif nkeehn Closed General Question
#1057 Howto uninstall - Hi, We have evaluated GSync for our SuiteCRM instalation, but now want to uninstall the module. administratie Closed Installation
#1031 Gmail Sugar Not User Accounts - I have successfully installed the product, with key and i believe all patches... looks like it' n8weaver Closed Bug?
#1027 Calendar Sync not running successfully - Calendar Scheduler Job is running every 5 minutes, but 'Last Successful Run' keeps showing nathan1 Closed General Question
#994 GSync6 On site patch error - Bad Date on save - HI Guys, After installing the patch I am getting the following error. Thu Dec 4 15:31:10 2014 genixventures Closed Bug?
#989 GSync6 patch not syncing - I have a SugarCRM Version 6.5.17 (version de construction 1220), on which i installed your patch GSy prestashop Closed Bug?
#984 Not Able to install Patch for Gsync. - We attempted to install the patch today and ran into the error below when we went to install. Plea CR Dev Closed Bug?
#972 TEST Connection returns you to Users List - Hi After entering the users GmailID and Password, then attempting to 'Test COnnection' yo ben1 Closed Bug?
#967 Can't seem to install - After I paste the license and hit "Validate" nothing! the screen does not refresh. cnddev Closed Installation
#961 Can't get it to work on SugarCRM CE 6.5.18 - Hi I installed it according to your instructions validated the license, then did a repair and re samseidman Closed Installation
#948 Not syncing google to sugar forbidden. Just started happening. URGENT - You guys did a heap of custom work on ours to get it to work properly. It has been working really we elgoots Closed Bug?
#947 Not Syncing - All steps ok except when Test Connection pushed sends me to user list in Sugar. Clicking on user sen tcrews Closed Bug?
#944 SuiteCRM and GSync - Gsync between SuiteCRM and Google not working wiht plugin - any work round. Everything followed a SIMON3 Closed Bug?
#919 Syncing Emails - When syncing emails, will it only go into a contact's history if you go into the email module, mnezam Closed Feature
#918 Support Call - Can I get on a call with someone to run through some issues? mnezam Closed General Question
#908 License key not working for free 30 day trial - When I attempt to activate, the browser just pops up a box saying "Error:" Thank you, jeff3 Closed Bug?
#882 Trouble with gmail approval prompt. - Hello, I am having the problem that when I click save after I have added the gmail username and p buddy Closed Installation
#862 reset button and no area in the user account for credentials. - After a period of time I have had to rebuild my suitecrm instance ( I use it for tests and syncing m longhours Closed Installation
#858 Google drive sync - I can't seem to get the product to sync to Google drive in a folder fashion ian Closed Bug?
#852 System not syncing at all - Please contact me 214-556-8041 rpeters Closed Bug?
#828 calendar working but not contacts - I am using version 6.5.4 we had an issue with cron...but it was fixed and new calendar events start manainvest Closed Bug?
#810 Sugar Calendar and Contacts are not syncing with google account - I've made sure the correct syncs are active under Gsync. I've gone to my user account and amatiscincinnati Closed Bug?
#805 Won't load - Already sent this info in another case with a canned response that did not answer my questions. doug Closed Bug?
#802 Email folders and visibility - Hi Customer: Nadathur We have installed the Sugar Gsync for one user but another user is able saritab Closed General Question
#793 wont load - I’ve tried several times, but it won’t install. There is an error during installation, b doug Closed Installation
#781 Sync fails due to SQL syntax error. Happens all the time - Cron job breaks and stops working until i delete the meeting in the logs that has caused a SQL synta elgoots Closed Bug?
#776 change to suitecrm problem in security swite - HEllo I upgraded to suitecrm. i installed again the last version of the security suite for sugarc joseluisciccio Closed Bug?
#757 Addon wont install - Hi, The add-on wont install. Attached is the log file. Display Log Installing action_view_m tahnoonpasha Closed Bug?
#742 Administrator has disabled GSync for this user, contact administrator to enable it - Hello there, I buy the module is followed precisely your installation documentation but I'm s NY Closed Bug?
#737 Installation was fine, but no contacts go from sugar to gmail - see title. We use Sugar Cloud & Google Apps. rs1 Closed Bug?
#713 Wont install - This wont install it gets stuck at 82% and wont complete? matthewr Closed Installation
#695 Set everything up, not working - Sync of emails is not working. Setup according to your guide, everything looks in place. Sending ema kyoung Closed Bug?
#683 Contact syncing duplicates - Hi, This is the scenario. I have contacts existing on my Google Contacts and some of it are alrea mark1 Closed Bug?
#682 SugarCRM meetings, Calls, Tasks not syncing to Google Calendar and Vice Versa - The Calendar Syncing doesn't seem to run on my Google Sync module. The Contact Syncing works ju mark1 Closed Bug?
#676 gmail calender meetings and calls sync is not working - I am getting the errors like this in Sugarcrm log file: ERROR:Authentication with Google failed. peter1 Closed Bug?
#656 Number of users - Hello, I'ld like to change the number of users who can use the Gmail and Google Sync pluggin Christophe Closed General Question
#654 Not syncing - I was beeing attended by Junaid Usman about this issue, with some progress, we were supposed to meet oscarmendoza Closed Bug?
#648 Bad Authentication error - Getting the "Authentication with Google failed. Reason: BadAuthentication" error when tryi evan Closed Bug?
#647 Mala coneccion - cuando me registro con mi usuario y contrase�a de gmail en el perfil de usario en Sugar me sale e mmontero001 Closed Bug?
#640 SugarCRM Gmail and Google Sync - I know that my free trial is coming to a close. However, I never fairly evaluated this because I co jeffyoung Closed Bug?
#627 Keep getting BadAuthentication Error - Hi I followed the Install Steps, and In the log I saw [FATAL] ERROR:Authentication with Google fa oscarmendoza Closed Bug?
#615 Can you change event colour (so Task and Call have different colours) - So when you sync Task and Call between Sugar and Google Calendar they change bmacdonald Closed Feature
#611 Oauth doesn't seem to complete - Hi - we have a 6.5.16 install of sugar at: and I've gone throug agladders Closed Bug?
#604 How it work - I don't know installation jkeypro Closed Installation
#580 Questions about your program - We are having some strange behavior, that may in fact be normal. However we are wondering if we can tracycournoyer Closed General Question
#567 GSync- Calendar scheduler has not run. - Hi, I have installed the latest version of Gsync on my 6.7.5 on demand instance. I logged in with jblack Closed Bug?
#558 administrator has disabled gsync for this user, contact administrator to enable it - Hello i followed your instructions but after doing the Repair i get this message when trying to a joseluisciccio Closed Bug?
#554 Salutation syncs to Google by key, not by description - In contacts sync, the salutation that gets exported to Google is the key (or element name) of the op dsp Closed Feature
#553 Allow configuration of contact sync for all, not only "assigned to" contacts - It would be very nice to have a configuration setting where one can choose to either sync all availa dsp Closed Feature
#551 sugarcrym sync fail 7.17 - I have failed the set up to install the script properly. When I go to profile ->edit I put my gma CandMRental Closed Bug?
#544 SuiteCRM - I am running SuiteCRM Version 7.1.1 (Sugar Version 6.5.16 (Build 1082)) and Gmail and Goolgle Sync 1 MarkH Closed General Question
#542 Calendars syncing from Google but not from Sugar - In creating events in each calendar, only the google events are syncing to the sugar calendar. JTO Closed Bug?
#533 Google Sync not Working - I have installed, and it appears to have installed successfully. To test GrahamSwinton Closed Installation
#530 Issue with Installation - I have Validated the License key. It claims it worked and when I hit refresh nothing happens. How d tracycournoyer Closed Bug?
#520 google calendar sync strange - I am having some strange issues. Some users can sync perfectly, where others can only sync from g stuart Closed General Question
#512 Error: invalid_request - I'm getting this error when saving setting in the User panel. device_id and device_name are tlitt Closed Bug?
#505 redirect URI - Why do i keep getting this error every time i purchase this add-on The redirect URI in the request: dmaimba Closed Bug?
#502 Authentication error with Google - Trying to finish install, but now getting an auth error as below. What am I doing wrong? The schedu hnaparst Closed Bug?
#494 Not possible to edit GMail Credentials within SugarCRM CE 6.5.16 - Hi Folks, I just purchased the trial version and installed it for 2 users in my SugarCRM. Everythin andreas.epping Closed Bug?
#491 oAuth Error - We are trying to finish installation and getting the following error: jmorgan Closed Installation
#479 Google Docs Integration - I am running this module within SuiteCRM. I'm most interested in the integration with Google D bojiang Closed General Question
#478 Error: redirect_uri_mismatch - I see this in many posts here and posting seems to be the way to get it resolved. I installed the m rich Closed Bug?
#477 Google sync not working - Hi, We have installed the google sync plugin. After few attempts the installation was done succes Sugarfactory Closed Installation
#475 Contacts disappearing since GSync in place - Hi, After installing G-Sync, we encounter unpleasant errors: - contacts disappear - I mean, t schaffelhofer Closed General Question
#469 Google oath issue with sync - We are having an oath issue. Please advise how to resolve: info16 Closed Bug?
#464 URI Error - I have downloaded the Onsite version and am trying to save but it gives the error Error: invalid_re crysoft Closed Bug?
#447 Sync frequency - Hi, when updating Cal events, what is the sync frequency intervals? Do you have any features simi sichord Closed General Question
#430 Archive emails options not available - Hi, I might have done something wrong with installation, but I'm running SugarCRM onDemand, and dan Closed Bug?
#415 URGENT HELP!: Email sync error: unable to find matching URI etc.. - I am evaluating GSync for our use with our sales team. it seems like it could be a great tool to sav tom1 Closed Bug?
#401 Docs sync failing - Hi - I have good sync with contacts, email and cal but can't get the sync with docs to work (se hivemindnet Closed Bug?
#392 Problem in Configuring Dashboard - In Contacts Dashboard, When I scheduled call and meeting in Contacts, then it will show in Planed A mksindri Closed Bug?
#390 Error: redirect_uri_mismatch - Getting this error, where <my domain> is a masquerade to protect our identity: The redirect IntelaCloud Closed Installation
#389 Numbering System Question - Hello Sorry im a little confused about the update numbering system. We are running Sugar 6.5 wit thaimedical Closed Installation
#388 Email Sync Questions - I have installed one test account to see how it works. The Calendar works great. Our confusion sta jjeffries Closed Feature
#387 SugarCRM to Google Contacts Sync not working - I have successfully installed the plugin and everything is working great but contacts I create in Su Jon Closed Bug?
#386 Can't get version for SugarCRM 7.0 to work - I just downloaded the new version posted today and I cannot get it installed. It says the module I&# Jon Closed Installation
#382 Problem in &quot; Manage and configure users for GSync&quot; - When i install "Gmail and Google Sync" module, I follow the procedure as written in the i mksindri Closed Installation
#378 Sync events but not calls or tasks - Is it possible to sync only certain calendar events? In our case we only wish to sync meetings but d francoiseric Closed Feature
#358 Sync of email when using Gmail with multiple folders - Hi, I use Gmail with a desktop client and like to keep my inbox empty (a la GTD). I therefore hav hivemindnet Closed General Question
#355 Contacts only syncing one way - I seem to only be able to get contacts to sync from Google to Sugar. They do not sync from Sugar to hivemindnet Closed Bug?
#352 Calendar works, but contacts not - Calendar works, but contacts are nots syncornized: vytenis Closed Bug?
#330 Gmail Calendar not syncing over to Sugar - My calendar sync is not working properly. The only events that have synced over to Sugar are all day jconley Closed Bug?
#315 Archive all Emails - Hi there, is it possible that your Addon fails to archive emails that were in the inbox but have janwolter Closed Bug?
#308 Sync calendar - Hello, Once the sync module is installed I have problems with creating and syncing calendar event francoiseric Closed Bug?
#302 Trying to buy the plugin - Hi, we are in trial and want to proceed to buy for 1 year, and i cannot seem to find the way to do i COFAMEK Closed Bug?
#295 Appears to be Synching one way only - I tried and installed the trial version of verison 1.6 and it was working in the beginning (but not COFAMEK Closed Bug?
#267 Creating a meeting in sugarcrm does not show up in google - Meetings in google show up in sugarcrm, but when we create them in sugar they do not. We think this mikeshinn Closed Bug?
#264 Support - I'm wondering who runs the company who sells the gsync product. We've been trying to get i meyerwells Closed Bug?
#254 Still doesn't work - after creating the google api uri integration our gsync system still does not work. The installatio meyerwells Closed Bug?
#248 redirect_uri_mismatch - Hello, I have arror when i add user "gmail + password". Erreur :redirect_uri_mismatc meyerwells Closed Bug?
#246 gmail vs google hosted email - Does this product work with a set of mail accounts that are hosted on google? or do the email addres meyerwells Closed Feature
#245 Installation Process - What SQL code do I run? Where is it? - The installation process sugggest to "run the generated sql" I don't see any generat meyerwells Closed Bug?
#239 Error: redirect_uri_mismatch - Hello We upgraded to Sugar pro and had to reinstall our instance on a new subdomain .tried to re-se thaimedical Closed Bug?
#235 Can't install - Installation failed! The package you are attempting to install does not conform to the policies e karelgeenen Closed Bug?
#226 Activities with the status 'Held' are not synced to Google. - If you register an activity in Sugar calender and set the status to 'Held', it will not be martinforsberg Closed Bug?
#220 Contacts not synced - Hello, I have synced my Google Apps account and the contacts are not correctly synced. I'm n francois.eric Closed Bug?
#219 Schedulers - Hi All New to Sugar and installed Google Synch. Came to this last step "Go to the schedul markwheeldon Closed Feature
#211 SugarCRM Contact &quot;Created By&quot; - Hi, is it normal to have all the contacts synced through the module on SugarCRM as created by one us acampos Closed Bug?
#196 Can't setup sync - When attempting to enter gmail credentials, the system does not as for " In the Google screen, cnddev Closed Bug?
#194 Downloaded Zipfile for Gmail &amp; Google Sync doesn't work - I purchased and downloaded the zip file for Gmail & Google Sync. Nothing happened when I opened Isaiah_Leslie Closed Bug?
#189 Updated V1.3 But Still Shows V1.2 Insode Sugar - We uninstalled 1.2 deleted then uploaded New V1.3 to Sugar but it Still Says 1.2 .. Did you update t thaimedical Closed Bug?
#186 redirect_uri_mismatch - I am getting this error and I am not sure how to add this URI to the console The redirect URI in dmaimba Closed Bug?
#185 Error: redirect_uri_mismatch - Hi.. Did everything ..tried to connect with google apps but am getting error Error: redirect_uri_mi thaimedical Closed Bug?
#164 I don't want to sync all contacts that I have any conversation via gmail to Sugarcrm - I don't want to sync all contacts that I have any conversation via gmail to Sugarcrm. Th vytenis Closed Feature
#160 Error - Hello, I have arror when i add user "gmail + password". Erreur :redirect_uri_mismatc goldfr Closed Bug?
#157 SQL error - The module seem to be instaled normaly. But when I click on link XXXXXXXX/crm/index.php?module=Users vytenis Closed Bug?
#143 Not always syncing to Sugar - Some meetings are not being synced from Gmail Calendar to Sugar. When adding a meeting to Gmail usin sweet Closed Bug?
#136 Contacts Sync - Gmail to SugarCRM - Your documentation states "Contacts created in Gmail are not synced to SugarCRM.". When I IronPhoenix Closed Bug?
#135 Lots of error and strange behaviour - Looking in my log file indicates errors.... Sync don't work, or at least just sometimes... Re fredrikwestin Closed Bug?
#126 Can't save user profile - Can not save user profile and not active user. We use several group users and have inactive users th fredrikwestin Closed Bug?
#125 Group user is counted, not acceptable! - We have 5 group users for e-mail marketing and support etc. These users is accounted when number of fredrikwestin Closed Bug?
#123 Admin Schedulers don't work - Hi. Going to admin schedulers don't work. The following information is displayed on the top of fredrikwestin Closed Bug?
#122 On activation returns &quot;Error: null&quot; - Hi, when I am trying to activate providing the License Key, the system returns with message: "E tvassiliadis Closed Bug?
  • "Been trying to get this to work for two weeks. Very little support. I hope it works but to this day, it does not." - meyerwells

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