by Rolustech

Boost your SugarCRM with seamless Google integration. Sync contacts, meetings, and Drive files. Streamline workflows and elevate productivity.

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#1295 - This tool does not work

Closed Bug? created by juandavid 9 years ago

I already installed an configured on my user.

I have a successful test connection but my meetings are not synchronized.

Can you help me please.

  1. rolustech-primary-contact member avatar

    Info@Rolustech Verified Purchase

    9 years ago

    Hi juandavid,

    Can you please make sure the following things in your instance

    1) Firstly verify that under GSync "Preferences" screen, all options (Check boxes) to Sync data are checked. 2) Secondly check that GSync related Schedulers are "Active" (under Admin Settings -> Schedulers). 3) Thirdly make sure that on your Sugar Instance "Sugar Default Schedulers" are running at regular intervals. If not, then please setup Cron Job at your server and test. If issue persists then submit a case. 4) After test connection successful, make sure you have taken on a popup screen to grant access for Gmail Authentication.

    Above steps are also mentioned in our FAQs section

    Please have a look:

    Hope it helps. Still you need any question, please do write to us


    Rolustech Support

  2. rolustech-primary-contact member avatar

    Info@Rolustech Verified Purchase

    9 years ago

    Hi juandavid,

    Please let us know if you have any further queries. If everything is working fine then we will close this case.

    Regards, Rolustech Support

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