#315 - Archive all Emails
Hi there,
is it possible that your Addon fails to archive emails that were in the inbox but have been archived in between the running of the cron jobs?
Best, Jan
Hi there,
is it possible that your Addon fails to archive emails that were in the inbox but have been archived in between the running of the cron jobs?
Best, Jan
11 years ago
That's a great question. Can you advise us what Sugar version you are running? Is it OnDemand or hosted onsite?
DataSync Module Sales Support
11 years ago
We are currently running Sugar Professional 6.7 OnDemand
11 years ago
In our User Guide, there is a section that should cover the Archiving of emails & directs you to the Settings to adjust as necessary. The version you are using should work perfectly. Please let us know if this covers your question and helps with your problem. DataSync Module Sales Support
11 years ago
For some reason, I don't have a section titled “Gmail Sync” as described in the user-guide and I also won't be forwarded to a Google screen where I could click “Yes, Allow Access”. It looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/PKgpiZ4.png
11 years ago
Thank you for the image. You are correct regarding the "Gmail Sync" section not being titled correctly. I've updated our User Guide for this. The next step is to go into the EMAIL module (within Sugar sometimes found under the MORE dropdown). Once in there, you should be able to set up your preferences under "SETTINGS". Under the "Mail Accounts" tab you will set up your account for archiving. If this is the 1st time syncing, it may take a bit. Once your emails are loaded, you can open them from this module & Import into Sugar and relate to contact/lead/account etc. Let us know if this doesn't work. DataSync Module Sales Team
11 years ago
Importing works know using the sugarcrm archive feature. However, only emails that are located in the inbox are archives and sent emails are not archived at all. Quoting the addon description, the following does not work: "Automatic Email archiving for all the incoming and outgoing emails even if users send and receive emails from Gmail. If you send and receive emails from Gmail then automatically the emails are archived with the associated records in SugarCRM."
11 years ago
Thanks for patience,
We think there is a problem with your inbound email configuration. If you want that both inbox and sent emails should be archived then you have to select both in "Monitored Folders" section. see attached images for details . https://www.dropbox.com/s/vm8na1yspx5lwxp/EmailSettings.PNG https://www.dropbox.com/s/im94itf4dnj5d5f/EmailSettings2.PNG
If still you face any issue regarding email archive functionality then please let us know.
10 years ago
We just wanted to check-in if this works for you?
Thanks, Support
4 years ago
hello . i'm using suite crm 7.11 . but i can not understand that archiving email is not working . plz explain how it works
4 years ago
Hi Dhaval,
Can you kindly confirm whether you subscribed RT GSync from SugarOutfitters or SuiteStore?
Thank you.
Rolustech Support
4 years ago
from the suite store
4 years ago
Hi Dhaval,
We have tested it and it is working fine on our end.
If you are facing issues, you can email us at support@rolustech.com. We will help you fix it.
Rolustech Support
4 years ago
Hi Dhaval,
Let us analyze and get back to you with an update early next week.
Thank you.
Rolustech Support