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#757 - Addon wont install

Closed Bug? created by tahnoonpasha 10 years ago
Hi, The add-on wont install. Attached is the log file. Display Log Installing action_view_map extension Installing administration extension Installing entrypoints extension Installing Language Packs Rebuilding Language...en_us Rebuilding ActionViewMap... Rebuilding ActionFileMap... Rebuilding ActionReMap... Rebuilding Administration... Rebuilding EntryPointRegistry... Rebuilding Extensions... Rebuilding FileAccessControlMap... Rebuilding Layoutdefs... Rebuilding GlobalLinks... Rebuilding LogicHooks... Rebuilding Menus... Rebuilding Include... Rebuilding ScheduledTasks... Rebuilding UserPage... Rebuilding Utils... Rebuilding Vardefs... Rebuilding JSGroupings... Installing Images Installing Bean : rt_GSync Database failure. Please refer to sugarcrm.log for details. Wed Sep 3 01:01:00 2014 [24497][-none-][FATAL] Configuration variable date.timezone is not set, guessed timezone UTC. Please set date.timezone="UTC" in php.ini! Wed Sep 3 01:01:00 2014 [24497][1][FATAL] Error creating table: rt_gsync: Query Failed: CREATE TABLE rt_gsync (id char(36) NOT NULL ,name varchar(255) NULL ,date_entered datetime NULL ,date_modified datetime NULL ,modified_user_id char(36) NULL ,created_by char(36) NULL ,description text NULL ,deleted bool DEFAULT '0' NULL ,assigned_user_id char(36) NULL ,calendar_google bool DEFAULT '1' NULL ,calendar_sugar bool DEFAULT '1' NULL ,calendar_meetings bool DEFAULT '1' NULL ,calendar_calls bool DEFAULT '1' NULL ,calendar_tasks bool DEFAULT '1' NULL ,contacts_google bool DEFAULT '0' NULL ,contacts_sugar bool DEFAULT '1' NULL ,documents_google bool DEFAULT '1' NULL ,documents_sugar bool DEFAULT '1' NULL ,activate_calendar bool DEFAULT '1' NULL ,activate_contacts bool DEFAULT '1' NULL ,activate_documents bool DEFAULT '1' NULL ,activate_archive_emails bool DEFAULT '1' NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY idx_rt_gsync_tmst_id (team_set_id)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci: MySQL error 1072: Key column 'team_set_id' doesn't exist in table Wed Sep 3 01:02:01 2014 [20722][-none-][FATAL] Configuration variable date.timezone is not set, guessed timezone UTC. Please set date.timezone="UTC" in php.ini! Wed Sep 3 01:02:05 2014 [24499][-none-][FATAL] Configuration variable date.timezone is not set, guessed timezone UTC. Please set date.timezone="UTC" in php.ini! Wed Sep 3 01:02:13 2014 [24497][-none-][FATAL] Configuration variable date.timezone is not set, guessed timezone UTC. Please set date.timezone="UTC" in php.ini! Wed Sep 3 01:02:16 2014 [20722][-none-][FATAL] Configuration variable date.timezone is not set, guessed timezone UTC. Please set date.timezone="UTC" in php.ini!
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    Info@Rolustech Verified Purchase

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    Info@Rolustech Verified Purchase

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    Info@Rolustech Verified Purchase

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    Info@Rolustech Verified Purchase

    10 years ago

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