#2089 - Fatal error
We believe this plugin is causing many errors and are concerned about the potential repercussions. Can you please tell us why this is happening and how to resolve it?
Wed Apr 13 20:22:41 2016 [1399][1][FATAL] Geocode Error:You have exceeded your daily request quota for this API. We recommend registering for a key at the Google Developers Console
8 years ago
Hello Laural,
This is not an error. It's just a warning that you have exceeded your daily request quota. There is an API limit of 1000 records per day being translated to geocoded locations. So if this limit is reached, a warning is shown in the error logs. But this will not affect the functionality of the plugin.
Should you have further queries, feel free to write us at support@rolustech.com
Thank you.
Kind Regards, Rolustech Support Email: support@rolustech.com Website: www.rolustech.com