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#3935 - Scheduled Job remains after uninstall?

Closed Bug? created by thdillinger 6 years ago
Hello RT Team, we evaluated RT Sales Map on a test environment in the cloud. Now after uninstalling via Module Loader, there seems to be a scheduled job remaining. Job Name: Calculate Latitude and Longitude Job: function::CalculateLatLong It is still active and throws a lot of errors of course, as the plugin is uninstalled. Is this Scheduled Job from RTSalesMap? So we can delete it manually. Thank you, Thomas
  1. rolustech-primary-contact member avatar

    Info@Rolustech Verified Purchase

    6 years ago

  2. thdillinger member avatar


    6 years ago

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  • "Hi raysparks, Thank you for your feedback. * The errors you are facing maybe due to some compatibility issues. We have followed up with you on this ..." - Info@Rolustech

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