#3942 - Map loaded but not showing anything and is showing "for development purpose only"
I updated google api and map is also loaded but is not showing any data and showing" For development purposes only"
I updated google api and map is also loaded but is not showing any data and showing" For development purposes only"
6 years ago
HI Shavee,
Hi the "For Development Purpose Only" watermark all over the map is due to the reason that from July 2018, Google has updated its pricing policies and same was done for the Map APIs. Kindly check the pricing and get a package plan for your maps. You can take a look at https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/pricing/ for further details.
We also made a news release on the RT SalesMap webpage, you can read about this change here: https://www.rolustech.com/rtsalesmap/googlemaps-api-pricing-update
Let us know if you have any questions or need any kind of assistance.
We would be happy to help.
Kind Regards, Rolustech Support support@rolustech.com