#21 - user profile button or hot link not visibile
I just bought this product, when i login as Administrator or another user, the "Hot link" to be able to modify the profile, is not visible. thx Dennis
I just bought this product, when i login as Administrator or another user, the "Hot link" to be able to modify the profile, is not visible. thx Dennis
12 years ago
it should be in the lower left corner of the screen. Can yu in case it is not there plaease send me a screenshot to christian.g.knoll@gmail.com and also what browser you are using.
thank you, christian.
12 years ago
yes, it is not there. i am using chrome Version 23.0.1271.64. i will send you a screenshot to your email address. thank you. Dennis
12 years ago
it is fixed with v2.4 we've released today. just mail to christian.g.knoll@gmail.com and he will send you the new version.
12 years ago
To help hand out the new releases, once Christian adds the new release to the plan, anyone who has purchased the theme will be able to download the update from their "Downloads" section. This will save some time for having to manually email things from one another. Thanks!