#29 - More menu
We have a long list of custom modules and I noticed that there is no way for me to see the complete list of modules in the More menu. Is this something I can quickly tweak somewhere? I've been digging around to see if I can do this myself but can't figure it out. If I switch back to classic, I can see the entire list under More.
11 years ago
this happens when the list gets too long and disappears at the bottom of the screen. We will fix this with the next release. In the meantime if you want to fix it yourself. Edit modules/themes/20reasons/tpls/_headerModuleList.tpl .. find
div id="moreModuleItems"> and change to the following.
edit themes/20reasons/css/style.css and add the following lines:
/* added to support multiple Columns */
moreModuleItems ol{
moreModuleItems ol:last-child{
this will have the "more" item to appear with multiple columns adding a column after each 15th entry. After the change you need to do a repair or be in eveloper mode so the theme rebuild the cache files.
11 years ago
Great, that worked! Looking forward to the update.