#344 - Installation error 6.5.16
Hi there,
I have just purchased this them. On installation it freezes at 17% and outputs the following in the display log:
"Failed to copy cache/upgrades/temp/uB2Rm8/CorePackage_CE_6.5.16/include/DetailView/header.tpl to include/DetailView/header.tpl"
Could you please advise me as to how I should resolve this.
11 years ago
Looks like you have a File-Rights-Problem, please ensure that the webserver can read,write and delete these files. If you can't slove the Problem, please send us detailed Error logs (sugarcrm.log and php-log/apache-log) .
11 years ago
which version of the Theme are you trying to install ? Support for SugarCRM CE 6.5.16 is given from Theme Version 2.7.1 , not before !