#41 - Missing admin link at the bottom
Just upgraded to 2.5.1 and noticed the admin menu link that existed at the bottom right is now gone. On my dev server I can't figure out where its located. Am I missing something?
Just upgraded to 2.5.1 and noticed the admin menu link that existed at the bottom right is now gone. On my dev server I can't figure out where its located. Am I missing something?
12 years ago
(1) the bottom toolbar now should be foldable. Maybe that is hiding it. In the wors case please do a quick repair. but if you unfold teh bottom toolbar all the global links should be there. (2) are your sure the logged in user is an admin? The only thing we are doing there is to locate the global links Sugar return to the bottom toolbar. The Theme has no intelligence there and simply takes what you have set as global links. Does the admin menu item appear when you switch back to the classic theme?
12 years ago
You're right, my sugar dev server was kinda wonky. I was logged in as admin but that panel in the bottom right wouldn't uncollapse. My dev fixed it so now we're good.
12 years ago
glad it got resolved. I am closing this thread.