Striking Features. A Completely Rethought UI. Give your users a familiar user interface that makes them more efficient and effective with SugarCRM CE. Powerful features abound such as favorites, quick reminders, subpanels as tabs, and unlimited dashboards. On top of the click reducing interface, these feature make it a must-have tool for any organization looking to improve their bottom line.
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SugarCRM Editions
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This Add-On doesn't support the latest Sugar version!
"It is great. At the end, REAL sugarcrm users use this tool every day!
The money is worth every cent. Theme is quick, light, and beautiful.
Trying to..."
- ground15
11 years ago
we are just in the process of adding another release (target end of this week) and then will provide a documentation based on this the following week.
11 years ago
completed ... a full and updated documentation can be found here or on sugarforge.