#4161 - GrinMark SugarCRM Add-On Not Working
Dear Sugaroutfitters Support,
we have purchased your MultiUser-Edition Add-On for Our Company PlusServer GmbH. I've tested the Installation and Activation. The Add-On can be activated in Outlook for Mac or Windows and the Settings can be configured but we can't get the Connection to our internal SugarCRM Server. I only get "Connection Failed" : "Fail: kjaroszewski Error connecting to https://crm1.web.sxb.ps-intern.de/:Unable to connect to the remote server". The User can be autorised in Web without Problems. We also work with the free Windows SugarCRM Add-On and that still works fine. Please contact me to help me to resolve the Problem.
Best regards
Kamil Jaroszewski
PlusServer GmbH
Internal IT
5 years ago