by GrinMark

Make life easier by reducing the need to flip between apps. If you are using Outlook Web App, Outlook 2013, or Outlook 2016 connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2013 then be sure to take advantage of this email and contact synchronization add-on. Smartly links emails to your Sugar records and keeps your contacts in sync.

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#4161 - GrinMark SugarCRM Add-On Not Working

Closed Bug? created by helpdesk3 5 years ago
Dear Sugaroutfitters Support, we have purchased your MultiUser-Edition Add-On for Our Company PlusServer GmbH. I've tested the Installation and Activation. The Add-On can be activated in Outlook for Mac or Windows and the Settings can be configured but we can't get the Connection to our internal SugarCRM Server. I only get "Connection Failed" : "Fail: kjaroszewski Error connecting to to connect to the remote server". The User can be autorised in Web without Problems. We also work with the free Windows SugarCRM Add-On and that still works fine. Please contact me to help me to resolve the Problem. Best regards Kamil Jaroszewski PlusServer GmbH Internal IT
  1. GrinMark member avatar

    GrinMark Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

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