by Chad Hutchins

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#975 - No action by that name

Closed Bug? created by VisualReporting 10 years ago

Given I am a SugarCRM administrator When I run the kickoff scheduler for the "Prune database of the 1st of the month".
Then I get an error message: There is no action by that name and I land on the below page.


  1. chad member avatar

    Chad Hutchins Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

    Hi there, that's an interesting one. Have you tried running a Quick Repair and Rebuild from Admin > Repair?

    Also, what version (6 or 7?) and edition (CE or Pro?) of Sugar are you running?


  2. VisualReporting member avatar


    10 years ago

    CE 6.5.19 - Yes did try that, and also checked file permissions and ownership.

  3. VisualReporting member avatar


    10 years ago

    Sorry CE 6.5.18

  4. chad member avatar

    Chad Hutchins Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

    I gave this a pretty good bit of time and I can't replicate the issue. When I run the "Prune database on 1st of Month" scheduler job it runs successfully.

    Because it's saying the action doesn't exist, to me it seems like something didn't install completely. Are you sure you downloaded the Kickoff for Sugar 6 package? Have you tried reinstalling it yet?

    If it still doesn't work after checking those things, you may want to make sure your permissions are setup correctly.

    Let me know what you find. Thanks!

  5. VisualReporting member avatar


    10 years ago

    Yes - I did install this package: I just tried reinstalling it - no luck. Permissions are set up correctly to my knowledge:


    SRC_DIR="pwd" cd "dirname "$0"" cd '..'

    Do chown

    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data src

    cd 'src'

    Set all directories to 755

    find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} +

    Set all files to 644

    find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} +

    Set specific directories to 755

    for VARIABLE in cache/ custom/ data/ modules/ include/ upload/ do find $VARIABLE -type d -exec sudo chmod 755 {} + done

    There is nothing in sugarcrm.log that points towards the error.

    • chad member avatar

      Chad Hutchins Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Hmm, I'm not sure. If you go to the Sugar code, does custom/modules/Schedulers/Kickoff.php exist? If it doesn't, you can unzip the zip file and manually place it there. This would point to a permission issue that has something to do with your web server being able to create new files and folders. Maybe the custom/modules/Schedulers folder didn't already exist?

      Give that a try and let me know. I'm not sure what else could be going on unfortunately.

  6. VisualReporting member avatar


    10 years ago

    Hi Chad - I mailed some screen dumps to you. Everything exists as you describe it.

    • chad member avatar

      Chad Hutchins Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Got them, thanks. A couple things:

      1) I notice in your original post in the url it is lowercase 'kickoff'. What happens if you go to that url with uppercase 'Kickoff'? If this works, can you find where the lowercase 'kickoff' link originated from?

      2) Try setting the permissions on Kickoff.php to 777 and then try #1 again.


  7. VisualReporting member avatar


    10 years ago

    The lowecase was the problem. I have corrected this in your code locally. Are you using Windows?

  8. VisualReporting member avatar


    10 years ago

    echo "<form action=&#039;index.php&#039;>";
    echo &#039;<input type="hidden" name="module" value="Schedulers" />&#039;;
    echo &#039;<input type="hidden" name="action" value="Kickoff" />&#039;; // HERE
    echo "<span>Select a Scheduler to run: </span>";
    • chad member avatar

      Chad Hutchins Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Good to hear! Thanks for working through this one. My development environment is on a Mac/OSX.

      I've uploaded the corrected package. I had that issues already fixed and packaged, but it looks like uploaded the wrong package to SugarOutfitters. The only change made is the 'kickoff' to 'Kickoff' change you made, so no further action is required on your end.

      Thanks again!

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