by Lampada Global

Send and track your signature requests with Lampada HelloSign! This SugarCRM add-on enables you to send and track signature requests for Opportunities, Quotes, and Contracts. Have those documents quickly signed by your customers, users, and email addresses, from any browser or on any mobile device.

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#4668 - Is there a version for SugarCRM v11 or higher?

Open Installation created by 2 years ago
The SugarOutfitters site states "Supported Versions 8.0.7 to 12.0.0" but when I tried to install it in SugarCRM 11 it complained it wasn't compatible with my version. In the manifest, it has 'acceptable_sugar_versions' => array('regex_matches' => array('10.*', '9.*', '8.*')) The file offered for download is sugar_hs_1.0.7 which was updated in Dec 2020. Is there a new version of this module available that supports SugarCRM 11 or higher? If not, can the SugarOutfitters listing be updated to accurately reflect the versions this module does support and let people know it is no longer being maintained or updated.
  1. andre member avatar

    André Lopes

    a year ago

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