#1527 - Contracts & Custom module will not activate Generate document
The list of enabled / disabled modules by default, post-installation had two modules (Contracts, and custom module "udef_acquisitions" in the disabled list.
Despite moving them to enabled, and saving, it will not enable the functionality.
I have also tried to add two lines into config_override, and repair and rebuild, but no luck.
$sugar_config['DHA_templates_historical_enabled_modules']['Contracts'] = true; $sugar_config['DHA_templates_historical_enabled_modules']['udef_acquisitions'] = true;
Is there any way to force this to accept these?
9 years ago
Forgot to mention I'm using 6.5 Enterprise on a LAMP stack.
9 years ago
Hi there,
Please, check if the custom/modules/Contracts/logic_hooks.php file exists and if it contains the next line:
$hook_array['after_ui_frame'][] = Array(1002, 'Document Templates after_ui_frame Hook', 'custom/modules/Contracts/DHA_DocumentTemplatesHooks.php','DHA_DocumentTemplatesContractsHook_class', 'after_ui_frame_method');
Maybe, you have writing permission problems in the custom/modules directory.
Do you have the same problems with other sugar modules like Accounts or Contacts?. We have tried the Contract module and works fine (see file with screenshot of MMR in a Sugar 6.5 Enterprise: http://we.tl/2AOwc3Q3X0)
9 years ago
Thanks Anabel.
I already have custom logic hooks in those directories, which might explain why it didn't automatically add them in.
I added the above code you provided, and it works now.