#1676 - Format for Quotes
I am trying to have a mail merge list the line items from a quote. The language I am using is the following, but it is not working. Any suggestions:
[a;block=w:body;sub1=aos_quotes_aos_invoices] [a_sub1;block=w:p][a_sub1. line_items]
If you want more detail, the ultimate document will look like a quote, but instead of creating a PDF, I am trying to create it as a word document and using Mail Merge Reports to do so.
9 years ago
Hi there,
The line_items field is a function type variable, it is not possible to use function variable, we will modify MMR component in order to not showing that kind of variable. It seems that you need to get "3 levels information" (quotes, invoices, line items): you have to do this using calculated fields, the component can not do it directly. You can get lines quote or lines invoice: two levels, this lines are in the aos_products_quotes. Finally please don't write blank spaces between [a_sub1. xxx]
9 years ago
One more thing, our MMR component is based in TinyButStrong (and OpenTBS), you can see a lot of more options in TinyButStrong manual: http://www.tinybutstrong.com/manual.php. We have documented only the basic functionalities for our clients in MMR manual because there are a lot.
And you can find some examples of calculated fields in 'custom/modules/Opportunities/DHA_DocumentTemplatesCalculatedFields.php'