#1845 - Difficulty generating table containing multiple tasks
Hi, is it possible to generate a table that contains all tasks in SugarCRM and their status? I have prepared a template, which I believe to be correct, but when I generate the document, MMR creates a new table for every separate task, which makes the output useless. I have attached a copy of my [template here](http://www.avantgardefinancial.com.au//uploads/media/2016/1/6/264dc60a92891ae7969ac5913326091e5fa7b512.docx) and an example of the [desired outcome here](http://www.avantgardefinancial.com.au//uploads/media/2016/1/6/b5263753d256dd3286a5539cf05355cf617d0a39.docx). Thanks for your support, Chris.
9 years ago