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Create documents in docx, xlsx (MS Office Word and Excel), odt, ods (LibreOffice and OpenOffice) and pdf format without MS Office or others plugins installed from any module and subpanel using templates.

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#1867 - Tempalte issues

Closed General Question created by jules99-2 9 years ago
I've sent an email to: with 2 templates attached. I'm trying to get blocks in an Opportunity template to show data form contacts and accounts and the opportunity all mixed up. And its not working when the sub block repeats. The first template shows the MailMerge output. but Ive split one table into two.....this does not work, though I set the block declaration again. The Europa lead alert template is what I am trying to get working. I can get the 1st 3 blocks working 1st= Opp & Account 2nd = Contact, 3rd + Contact, and the last 5th block with Opportunity data The 4h block consists of a contact field "name" then an Opportunity field. if you could help this is proving really frustrating. I effectively want to mix the order of various contact/account and opportunity fields, from an Opportunity template. i'm afraid the documentation is not in good English and not very easy to follow. I also get an error every time I generate a merged document, though it does open.
  1. dharma member avatar

    Izertis Provider

    9 years ago

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