#2535 - Main Block in a table
I have fields in the main block that I would like to be in a table, but only show up in the table if there is a value. table would contain something like [a.fieldname;block=w:tr] is this possible?
I have fields in the main block that I would like to be in a table, but only show up in the table if there is a value. table would contain something like [a.fieldname;block=w:tr] is this possible?
8 years ago
Hi Lance,
We are not sure about what you mean with “but only show up in the table if there is a value” … In any case, we think you need to create a table with the main data… so, we have prepared a template example, very simple, for the accounts entity showing the name and email. I have send you by email.
8 years ago
Hi Lance, I have just send a new template by email. Regards, Anabel