#3372 - Compatibility with Mautic 2.9 / 2.10 and Sugar 7.8.2 / 7.9.x
Hello eVolpe,
we have a Sugar customer who would like to introduce Mautic and connect to their Sugar.
We did some tests with different connectors and found that your connector is the best one available!
However we are unsure about the compatibility of the Sugar and Mautic versions.
Our customer uses Sugar Enterprise And due to some bugs in Mautic 2.7 we want to go for Mautic 2.9 or 2.10.
Question is whether your connector is compatible with these versions.
According to the information here on Sugaroutfitters it seems that this setup is currently not supported.
Are there any plans for a new version of the connector to support latest Mautic versions?
If so can you says when it will be available?
Thank you and kind regards,
7 years ago